So I apologize for not commenting on my flist for the last couple of days. Still, I'll perservere in picspamming you. Eventually I'll get caught up on your lives! Promise!
When we last left our intrepid booksellers, Wilde had just notified us
about Peter Yarrow's magical visit. Now YOU can experience the magic for yourself.
Ceiling dragons!
Hall o' Art!
Bestsellers' dragon!
Amanda with Puffs!
Peter decorating the auction guitar.
The Auction Guitar!
Peter and children singing This Little Light.
Peter interviewing DC.
Peter playing Leaving on a Jet Plane on the auction guitar.
Peter inviting the three-year-old to sing the chorus of Puff
Peter and the children singing Puff. The little girl hugging him was the one who said she'd sang with him last year but got hung up on the word frolic.
The neatest part is, I burned the CD of pics I took (ok, there's over a hundred, so I didn't picspam too much, trust me) and gave it to our Community Relations Manager. She sent a couple of the pics on to corporate so I might have pictures on BNInside. Which would be neat.