A Very Delicious Weekend....

Oct 14, 2008 00:52

Well, and what a weekend it has been. Busy, but fun and, in part, relaxing.
Spent a gloriously wonderful evening tonight enjoying turkey and ham [mostly ham] with two very fantastic people and a pair of equally entertaining guests out in Oshawa. Was just the perfect ending to the weekend. Relaxing, eating, conversing, eating...

Sunday night was Fet4Play again [will post playlist this week]. Y'know, I'm really liking this fetish night... the atmosphere, the energy is really very welcomming, very fun and light. It is fast becoming one of my favourite nights to DJ.
Additionally, DJing a fet night is more about the environment, the atmosphere that I get to add to, to enhance... so it allows me to be somewhat more creative than I usually get to be behind the decks. It was noted, towards the end, that the music was a little loud overall so I'll take that into account for the next one which is... Halloween Night itself!

It's been work and work, and when I'm not at the store I'm trying to get together a DJ tour... y'know, NO ONE answers their damned email in a timely fashion these days *sigh* A lot of stops are still up in the air. There's some interest but... confirmations are slow in coming. I'll be adverting the ones I KNOW I'm doing here in the next couple of days. And I do thank certain friends who're trying hard to get me in touch with the people I need to be in touch with *chuckle*

As for Steamy stuff [steampunk... getcher mind outa the gutter, there's no room with mine being in there *wink*]...

Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...
The Aristocrat

You are the Aristocrat, the embodiment of steampunk elegance and poise. For you, dressing steampunk is first and foremost about simply looking good, with accessories and details to follow. However, this does not mean that you ignore the demands of creating a “steampunk look.” Your outfits weave together a balance between technology and style, and between period accuracy and beautiful anachronism. While your fashion inspiration may come from anywhere across the Victorian social spectrum, you always find a way to make your outfit beautiful. You will probably be found in the clothes of the steam age elite simply because of the greater elegance available to them. Chances are you dress this way because you like it, and you would still dress in this manner even if steampunk was not a popular interest.

Try our other Steampunk test here.
Take The Steampunk Style Test at HelloQuizzy

And... some pictures from our last video shoot.

This was a fun video to shoot for. Simply fun. Add in eye candy... out of about 35 people who showed, approximately 2/3rds were of the 'fairer sex' which just goes t'show that when you want a REAL airship pirate, it's likely she'll be wearing skirts designed appropriately for midflight boarding actions *chuckle* And there was a LOT of steel being carried. I am happy that all my pieces are still... my pieces.

On with the pics!

Let's start with some wenches... and delicious wenches they were!

And lots of drunken and rowdy skypiratey types carousing in the bar...

Then there was our press gang...

And some scallywags and wild women...

And who says that steampunk is the property of the western european look?

Apparently I gesture a lot when I'm directing a scene. Personally, I still think I look somewhat like a muppet. Though lately when I'm not in 'work uniform' my own style has gotten more and more steamy...

So much to do this week... promotions for local events, prepping for out of town stuff, packing for two weeks on the road [roughly], making sure that everyone will progress while I'm somewhat out of touch [I will have my cel with me, and it IS a crackberry so... ]

But I've never done bored well at all...
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