Oct 03, 2008 22:59
Well, appears I've got the bug that's going around. I called in to work today as I figured that customers wouldn't want me coughing up a lung all over 'em.
It was pretty serious this morning but a solid regime of liquids, hot baths, NeoCitran and such through the day and I'm down to just a harsh, hacking cough.
I don't think I'll be in shape to do Nuite Blanche tomorrow night. Dammit! Dammit all to hell on a stick! *sigh*
The one annoying thing about being single and sick is... I look like crap in a nurse's outfit and I don't got no one else to wear it for me *chuckle* Ah, I would kill for a backrub though. Simply KILL. My shoulders have been tensed up solidly for weeks now, and the stress of work has just been adding to the tightness. You could bounce billiard balls off my back. Honest!
So Oprah's mom is suing some store because they extended credit to her and she overspent and now can't afford to pay the bills. Apparently she's done this in the past, overspending and cutting out on debts. So... to get this straight... she is offered credit by a store... she abuses it... and she's asking THEM to pay HER money? What the fuck?!? It's called personal accountability, for fucks sake. Seems that the store sued her for the money owed so she's countersuing because they offered her credit.
Y'know, where I come from, if you have a problem, you see about finding help. You don't blame the other... wait, what the hell am I talking about? *sigh* yeah, this is the US we're speaking of... land of enablers and passing the buck *pfeh*
Still, that's frickin' ridiculous.
Video shooting to be done this weekend. Planning to be done tonight as I continue to work on arranging a vacation in a few weeks.
Work goes well. Very well. Things progress nicely. The boss is on vacation this coming week so I'm the guy on site. And she's not taking her blackberry with her so... time to show that I can at the least maintain a top tier store without hitting any bad bumps. This will help smooth my way into management... which should happen... *hurm* hopefully by Christmas.