Sep 22, 2008 19:26
Well, got me some catching up to do. So we'll start recent and then slide backwards... this way as you read your LJ friends list tomorrow it'll read in order, of a sort *heh*
Saturday I had the pleasure of being invited to share the wedding day of two good friends and wonderful people in Cleveland. Well, just north of, actually. Got up a titch late, ran into STUPID traffic [are Ontario drivers getting more and more dumb with each passing month?] and thus just missed the ceremony itself. But the bride looked gorgeous, simply gorgeous and the crowd was full of wonderful people. The reception was interesting and entertaining, and the couple has some very fun relatives [at least the few I got to talk with were fun]. All in all, it was a great day.
Ended up with a half dozen folk laying about a hotel room [still in my tux] watching strange and usually kinda boring TV while discussing things of interest. I dragged a sleepy Batty back to my room... y'know what you get when you put two old goths, drunk and strange minded, into the same hotel room bed? Y'get a lot of snoring *chuckle* Though I gotta say, boys, snag this one... she's comfy to sleep beside and gives off heat like a blast furnace! If you find winter sleeping chilly... I swear I got a tan snoozing beside her.
I thought on Sunday of heading south to visit more Cleveland folks but figured what with the time and all they'd either be asleep or doing family stuff. And I'd only have had a few hours to visit anyways so... I forwent the pleasure and will see them in October.
Sunday was a leisurely drive home. I had no clue it was the solstice but... well, I left about noonish [missing the breakfast] and headed eastwards. And it was a beautiful day. You know, people say that a lot, but yesterday was TRULY a beautiful day. It was sunny, but not too so. Warm enough to drive with the window open but cool enough that if the window was up I was still comfortable. It was... a moment. A long moment where the drive was everything a drive should be. The music on the tapedeck, the road, the lack of traffic, the weather, the day... there was a moment of several hours when it was just... beautiful. Appropriate for solstice.
Of course this allowed for introspection and thought... how could such a timeless moment not? I considered something that DV8 said at the reception [and it was wonderful seeing him and his funwonderful other half, it has been too damned long!]. It is often said that the only two things that are inevitable are death and taxes. Well... we're still not sure what death IS and taxes... sometimes in some societies there have been none of those... so perhaps that's argueable. It's also said that the only constant is change and, while usually true, there are long periods where nothing changes for an individual. I'm there now, in a way. But BV8 said that the two things that are constant and forever in this world are music and love and... y'know... that I gotta agree with. Perhaps music is just a heartbeat and love is simply a hormonal response but... they're still there. Always were, always will be.
I occasionally wish to be younger but methinks that's just retrospect through rose coloured glasses as I was a stupid youth *chuckle* Oh, there were moments. There were also a few decades of high stress and other fun demands of my body and brain and I'll pass on doing that again, thank you.
But currently... I'm in a pretty okay place. Oh, there still needs to be some improvements but it's a reasonable spot to be in for the moment. 'Course there's still stuff missing but... *shrug* y'work with what you got.
So, on to the previous days and nights...