30 days of glee, day 3

Jul 14, 2010 02:56

I'm very behind on this, but I don't feel too bad because I don't think anyone really reads it. But I just got a new laptop, and transferring everything over - including my paint program - has been frustrating, plus I then had to find a mouse. (I'd been using my parents' desktop computer.) Doing graphics with a touchpad is impossible!

But here it is, the third day of my thirty days of Glee, very very late. It'll just last me all summer, I suppose. =)

Day 01 - Your favorite female character - Rachel Berry , of course!
Day 02 - Your favorite male character - tied between Jesse St. James and Kurt Hummel. I'm doing both!
Day 03 - Your favorite group performance - Bohemian Rhapsody 
Day 04 - Your favorite solo
Day 05 - Your favorite duet
Day 06 - Your favorite Rachel/Finn moment
Day 07 - Your favorite Tina/Artie moment
Day 08 - Your favorite Quinn/Puck moment
Day 09 - Your favorite Kurt/Mercedes moment
Day 10 - Your favorite Will/Emma moment
Day 11 - Your favorite Sue Sylvester moment
Day 12 - A scene/moment that pissed you off
Day 13 - A scene/moment that made you cry
Day 14 - A scene/moment that made you happy
Day 15 - The couple you ship the MOST
Day 16 - Your favorite episode
Day 17 - Your least favorite episode
Day 18 - Your least favorite character
Day 19 - Your least favorite performance
Day 20 - Your favorite quote
Day 21 - Your favorite guest-star
Day 22 - Your least favorite guest-star
Day 23 - The character you most relate to
Day 24 - The character you would like to hear/see more of
Day 25 - Something that happened you wish hadn’t
Day 26 - Something that hadn’t happened but you wish had
Day 27 - Your idea for a future Glee episode
Day 28 - Your idea for a future Glee character
Day 29 - Your idea for a future Glee performance
Day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy

This was incredibly difficult to pick: I loved Somebody To Love, I adored Bad Romance, and Another One Bites the Dust was bitter and furious and so full of all the right emotions it nearly took my breath away.

But in the end, I had to pick Bohemian Rhapsody. I mean, I'm sorry, New Directions, but there was just no way you were ever going to win over that. I thought it was brilliant, although I know a lot of people disagreed. I think there has never been anyone as perfect for Freddie Mercury as Jesse St. James, and I really wish that - while amusing - it hadn't been cut with Quinn's labour scenes. Way to fuck with my head, Glee: I'm squirming in my seat with joy and, yes, a little bit of arousal, as Jesse St. James takes the stage with his usual drama and poise, and then suddenly I'm cringing because things are happening to ladyparts that make me want to cross my legs and cower. (Never mind that it was fictional: labour freaks me the hell out!)

Haha. But despite the odd choice of editing, Vocal Adrenaline's Bohemian Rhapsody managed to stay very true to its original while still bringing enough of a fresh, crisp feel to it that it didn't seem like a copy - it was an homage.

I would have enjoyed a scene with VA gloating over ND, singing "We Are the Champions", or something. XD

And I really wish I could have heard Jesse sing Killer Queen. I imagine it would make me melt.

Onto your obligatory picspam! Forgive the reusing of some images from my Jesse St. James picspam. It can't be helped.

It's also probably, fair warning, the worst picspam I've ever done. But it's three in the morning and I can't be arsed to do any more. Sorry, Jesse. You know I adore you.

.glee, *jonathan groff, /jesse st. james, meme, picspam

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