Am watching the Oscars. ZAC EFRON IS DELICIOUS. As I said to Raserei: I - I just want to lick him. All over. Not to be gross or anything. But seriously? SWEET JESUS. He could sing the alphabet and I would be like FUCK ME NOW PLEASE.
I'm sorry guys, I know this is way TMI. I've watched HSM3 twice in the past three days and I might watch it again
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Zefron... words cannot describe how wildly attracted to him I am. And I think he's actually a REALLY good actor, I can't wait until 17 Again comes out in April because I want to see him do more movies that are real movies haha. xD I LOVE YOU, ZAC. I WILL HAVE YOUR BABIES.
Zac is just... mm. His body. In Scream, I always want to pause and just - just take it in. Just enjoy that beautiful sight. He has the nicest back I've ever seen, on anyone, ever, in my entire life. Backs can be so pretty on boys, because they're all sleek and curved and that perfect V tapering down. SHIT, I'M SORRY, THIS IS QUICKLY APPROACHING X-RATING. But really, I love backs.
And his arms. MY GOD.
Please hold: I'm off to get a hot Zac icon.
I think it's a combination of his eyes- because DAMN his eyes are pretty- and his hands, for me, since I am such a hand person. I can't help it, hands are such a big turn on for me! And his are so pretty. And when he dances I'm like .... uafdsfjaskjfdskj omg be in my mouth.
"Really, it was just - not right. Eyes weren't supposed to be so electric. Troy's eyes were the brightest blue Ryan had ever seen, and looking in them was like sticking his finger in a light socket. It sucked all the air from his lungs and he was left staring like an idiot. Was Troy talking to him? It was kind of hard to tell. His eyes were so blue..."
This is basically what I think. Even sober. Every time I look at him.
Unfortunately, the last HSM fic I wrote was gen! lol
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