WARNING FOR YOU ALL edited and passed

Dec 10, 2007 16:35

Sorry for the caps but I had to get your attention. Now that I do please read on.

There is this lovely bunch of people who are invading your privacy on LJ. They have created this "LJ Find" where you can type in anybody's username and be able to see ALL of their entires. Appearntly every Lj user is in this unless you tell them to remove you. Meg shadowhisperer informed me about this morning and both of us left a comment and are now off of their list index thing.
So if your LJ is private and you don't want some random person or people you don't want to read it LEAVE A COMMENT HERE. They'll take you off after you comment there. And now I'm suppressing the urge to swear like a madman and punch a hole in the wall.

They finally realised their mistake with their progarm so you guys are safe with your FO posts and stuff like that. The link will just lead you to the bulletin that they posted when they edited the post yesterday Dec. 11th. I wasn't on at all yesterday so I only saw it today the 12th. I would strike out the tita e of the post I have here but appearntly HTML doesn't work in the subject box. So I'm leaving the caps if you like it or not.
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