Magical Career Test Meme What Will I Be?

Sep 11, 2007 17:39

I'm stealing this from shadowhisperer already. It's just to good to pass up!
1. Go here.
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top ten fifteen results.

1.Music Teacher / Instructor
3.Computer Trainer
4.Film and TV Crew
5.Horse Trainer
6.Lighting Technician
8.Speech-Language Pathologist
10.Corporate Trainer
12.ESL Teacher
13.Foreign Language Instructor
14.Special Effects Technician
15.Occupational Therapist

It was actually accurate! Although I want to just be a musician but teaching privately would be good to if people would actually trust my skills. I saved the entire list to my computer because my 21st choice was a to be a STUNTMAN! That would me so frickin cool! But being a Horse trainer is also cool as well. Foreign Language Instructor should be out of there unless they think Canadian is another type of language. (Hey at least they got the Comedian part right too! XD I keel myself!) I'm not really surprised that most of my results are dealing with either some from of drama or music since that's what I do good in and would love to purse after High School. I feel tempted now to go and find out what my other career choices are when I took another test for CALM.
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