Art post: Leatherdaddy!Moody

Jan 09, 2006 05:12

Title: Leatherdaddy!Moody
Artist: Kai
Pairing: Moody/Kingsley
Rating: R
Warnings: D/s, Not Work Safe
Artist's Note: Drawn for biichan for harry_holidays. She requested Moody: Leather Daddy of the Potterverse, and ended up getting this.

Edited in 2020: This piece was originally titled "My Boy". In going through my old art as I was archiving it, I realized that title has anti-Black racist implications that I never intended to invoke. I apologize for my past ignorance and any hurt it caused, and as harry_holidays was an anonymous exchange that has not been active in many years, and I do not have the ability to edit the title in the original fest post or masterlist, what hurt it may continue to cause.

I still have lots of learning to do on race and racism, but my understanding has come a long way in the years since this piece was originally created. This is largely thanks to BIPOC folks who have welcomed my mixed-but-adopted-and-raised-by-white-jews ass into their spaces and conversations. In particular, I have had the opportunity to be present for a number of discussions about race and BDSM, including this one which was recorded for the BlackChat podcast. More discussion is needed in both irl BDSM community and among kinky fandom folks about how much of the language we habitually use for power dynamics hits differently for our Black community members.


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