It's that time of the year again... YULETIDE LETTER!

Nov 19, 2011 03:49

Pre-letter Warning: If you engage in any Yuletide stalking, be careful about browsing my journal. I often use it to post kink meme fills and other fics if I'm doing a fake cut on another comm. If I've already put a warning elsewhere, I usually forget about putting the warning in the actual fic. So just be aware of that. >_>

Dear Yuletide Writer Person,

I probably love you, and I will definitely love whatever you write for me... So, no pressure or anything. But just to give you something to go on...

Likes: I like things to be in character. I like good dialogue. I like plots. I like actions and/or events to move the plot. I like hurt/comfort so long as the "hurt" is large enough to warrant comfort but not so large that it consumes the fic and becomes whump. I like all-out AUs with fantasy, science fiction, steampunk, traveling circus, zombie apocalypse, wtfever worldbuilding. I like hard-earned happy endings.

Sexual stuff is not required but, if it occurs, I like a side of porn in my plot. I like the Kinsey scale. I like twosomes, I like threesomes, I like moresomes... But I don't think that last one applies here.  I like pegging, I like tentacles, and I even guiltily rather like noncon when handled well in fanfiction... But I'm not sure any of those apply here either. (Not to stifle your creativity...)

Dislikes: General OOCness. Plots that go nowhere and take place entirely with the character stuck in their own head. Sad endings.

Don't worry about triggering or squicking me... I mean, within reason. I.E. I might be okay with gratuitous violence and noncon, but I'm not going to enjoy scat porn.

Absolute Musts: Must have a happy ending or one with an optimistic tone. Terrible things are welcome and possibly even encouraged to happen before that, but... downer endings make me sad. I do not want to be sad when I wake up X-mas morning and hurry to the computer.


1. Big Wolf on Campus
I rewatched this just several months ago. I hadn't seen it since middle school and... oh, my goodness. It held up well. It's just as stupid and campy as I remember it being. It's also a lot slashier. My God.

I would like Tommy/Merton. Preferably slash, but it can be friendship. I don't want a high school or a college fic. I would like to see where they are now. Are they a couple? Did they go their separate ways after a threesome with a girl in college ended really awkwardly? (Their eager willingness to date Lori at the same time always made me think this would be post-show canon.) Are they still 100% oblivious?

I would like something actiony. Something with a more mature tone would be fantastic. Take off the happy kid's show filter. Keep everyone in character, but more serious/less campy danger involved. As much as I adored the camp in the show, I would love something more adult. And by "adult", I don't mean all sex or bogged down with angst.

You could even go a bit into the future. I wouldn't mind seeing a serious take on the dystopian future the Terminator-themed episode implied.

Also, Lori doesn't have to be in the fic, but I wouldn't mind if she was. I rather love Lori. I love that she was attracted to both Tommy and Merton, but didn't want or need to dwell on it. She played the field, kicked some ass, and was generally awesome.

2. Ted & Ralph

You have one job. Give me closure. Seriously. That's it. Just end the show for me. Put me out of my misery.

I require only that they remain in character and that they become... some kind of couple without this maddening unrequited love nonsense. Give me something heart-wrenching if you want, but give me some d'aww and end it on a resolutely happy, optimistic note. Please keep it in character though.

It's like... I distinctly remember laughing at the skits and the special, but thinking back on it makes me kinda tear up. I'd especially like to revisit that whole Ralph never feeling loved thing from the special. The scene at the end where Ralph says that no one has ever loved him and Ted is just sitting there with this look but says nothing... AGGGGUGGGGFFFFFFF... Just give me closure and patch up these gaping holes in my heart, please.

3. InFamous

I want Cole/Zeke badly. If that squicks you, I am happy to just have something focusing on their friendship. Make it bromantic.

If that does not squick you - I loved the Yahtzee quote that Zeke was practically the love interest in the second game. Because he was. Zeke was really the only motivation I had to save the non-conduits. And, sure he's royally messed their friendship up, but he's sort of all Cole has left. I loved their bromance. I would like to see that tentatively cross over into romance.

Post-game would be nice. Good ending or bad ending. So long as you can find a way to revive them. I wouldn't mind exploring some alternate realities with Cole time traveling. If you plan to humor me and give me slash... Had Cole married Trish, maybe things were kind of tense and he and Zeke had something on the side. Maybe Zeke knew about this from spending time with Kessler. Maybe you can play a bit with feelings of guilt. Up to you.

4. Boardwalk Empire

Richard Harrow, please. I just love him. I do. He's just the perfect mix of tragic, socially awkward, and badass. Give me something from the past. Give me something in the future. Give me a little of both with flashbacks. I don't care, so long as it's a Harrow-centric fic.

I would like to see him make a real, lasting connection with someone. It doesn't have to be sexual, but if it is... something with Angela or Jimmy would be nice. Something with both Angela and Jimmy.would be downright spectacular... because it doesn't seem to exist and is suddenly my new OT3... Well, OT3 in the sense that Jimmy is a jerk (But trying... kinda... sometimes.) and Angela doesn't know what she wants (But it probably isn't the life she has now.) So nothing terribly romantic if sex-type stuff is involved. Still sweet and meaningful though. Just three lost people making a connection... and also sex. It seems worth mentioning that I like Angela much, much more than I like Jimmy.

Anything is fine though. I wouldn't mind seeing him reconnect with his sister. Maybe some parallels between how things used to be and how they are now.

...If none of that sounds good to you and you are the procrastinating sort, I'll probably add something else to this one after the finale. So feel free to check back then.

SUPER SPECIAL EXTRA BONUS PROMPT: On the off chance that you are a procrastinating Yuletide writer person who is still checking back concerning Boardwalk Empire, here's your extra prompt. Sorry it's a day late. I was too hungover to watch Boardwalk last night... There's irony in that, I think. I'm not sure where.

Anyway. Nothing too complicated. I'd enjoy some aftermath fic. Richard learning of/dealing with Jimmy's death would be great. I'm really hoping he'll take Tommy. I'm not sure if he's father material but... c'mon... Richard > Gillian. Her being mother to another little boy is not okay. Plus, I just like the idea of Richard having the kid of two people he really cared for. Also, it would give him the beginnings of a family and that's what he seems to want most in life.

Any other of the prompts I gave for this fandom are still equally desirable. It you already wrote/still would prefer writing one of those, that's absolutely fine.



Aaaand TL;DR, that's it! I look forward to reading whatever you have for me, dearest Yuletide writer person!
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