Rockin' Saturday!

Aug 02, 2005 04:35

So I get off of work at 6pm, picked up by my Dad. My dad rocks! And by 6:45 I am back on the road, changed out of work clothes into comfy rocker clothing. Kris picked me up and we headed to Bada-Bing's Billards and Cigars. Why?! To see Slow Andy play of course! And beat Kris at pool. :p I beat him 3 times. Twice by default.. since we both suck and he put the 8 ball in the hole by accident. My trigonometry really sucks! LOL.

Slow Andy rocked something awesome! I've never seen a better show. I took lots of pictures from the night, so as soon as I get it developed I will post them in my Picturetrail account. None of me. I am always bad about getting others to take pictures of me. LOL. I gave myself whiplash headbanging to Bohemian Rhapsody with my friend Mel, but did not discover it until Sunday when I tried to get up. Haha. Neck still hurts a little, but is getting better.
A break through occured.. Kris was open with his friends and told them we were no longer together! I was approached by a few of them, who wanted to let me know that no matter what Kris and my future is like, I was always welcome in their circle. Yay! It may have been the 3 beers, double shots of Jaegermiester, the shots of tequila or whatever other alcohol he forced into his system that night.. whatever the reason.. I am glad that he is no longer hiding it. He stopped drinking about 10:30, and we left about 12:30, grabbed some Toxic Hell, ate and went to sleep.

(38 days!)
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