Goddamnit, it's rubbing off on me and making me happy too!
What's your schedule like, dearie? I have suddenly found myself une,ployed, though I think (hope) that I will start training at a new job very soon. Seeing as how I suddenly have weekdays free, perhaps we can hang out sometime next week and catch up?
you should come with me to the el bar on wed. Or I might see the Devils Rejects on Tues, franklin mills mall $4 movies all day/night + free popcorn...woohoo ;} I haven't seen you in what seems to be 475496 years
Hahaha ~ it does seem like it has been 475496 years, though I haven't seen you since we went to Fluid on July 3rd {I'm such a f***ing dork that I rememeber that!}. Stupid car accident leaving me with no transportation.
We have so much to catch up on! I'm moving downtown!! In a month!!! Whoo-hoo!!!!
I can't say that I have any desire to see the Devil's Rejects, but for $4, free popcorn, and your company I'd go ;) I'll assume that you were thinking of going later in the day or at night? I'm free all day/night Tuesday.
I'll let you know soon about Tuesday, but you can't beat that movie deal, even if the movie sucks ;P Remeber when we saw Shaun of the Dead with Erik, Matt Riser, Norie, scary Matt and Hector? Hector snuck in that time, you can't beat *that* deal....lol.
That sounds like fun { though admittedly, I like the coasters at Six Flags better ;x }, but I can't spend the money on that right now. Between paying for the deductible on my auto insurance cos of the accident, moving in a month and flying to Atlanta for Dragon*Con over Labour Day weekend, I can't spend any money since I lost my job :(
yeah, I want to go to GA for around Halloween time. The new coaster is still down, and I don't want to be the first one on it when it opens ;P Dorney Park has the water park included in the already cheap price and John likes water parks. I haven't been in water since I was like 6, and I sure do miss it.
What's your schedule like, dearie? I have suddenly found myself une,ployed, though I think (hope) that I will start training at a new job very soon. Seeing as how I suddenly have weekdays free, perhaps we can hang out sometime next week and catch up?
Or I might see the Devils Rejects on Tues, franklin mills mall $4 movies all day/night + free popcorn...woohoo ;}
I haven't seen you in what seems to be 475496 years
We have so much to catch up on! I'm moving downtown!! In a month!!! Whoo-hoo!!!!
I can't say that I have any desire to see the Devil's Rejects, but for $4, free popcorn, and your company I'd go ;) I'll assume that you were thinking of going later in the day or at night? I'm free all day/night Tuesday.
Let me know if you decide to go
Remeber when we saw Shaun of the Dead with Erik, Matt Riser, Norie, scary Matt and Hector? Hector snuck in that time, you can't beat *that* deal....lol.
Dorney Park has the water park included in the already cheap price and John likes water parks.
I haven't been in water since I was like 6, and I sure do miss it.
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