03 (action)

Sep 26, 2010 13:44

[Oh, those silly Malnosso.

Sapphire had first seen the teleporting with her own eyes, watching villagers pop in and out of existence - but had shrugged it off as unimportant, not bothering to check the journal or believe it was unintentional. It was just "Teleport", after all, nothing that unusual. And when the shower-time debacle occurred, she had been about a mile away, having a breakfast of...berries or something. Mew only knows when Sapphire herself had last showered.

When the teleportation experiment did strike, it struck with a vengeance, tossing her around several times in the space of ten minutes. Sometime around noon, she lands on the roof of a house - drenched, disheveled, hair full of leaves, and looking a bit stunned.

With a last triumphant flourish, the effect snatched Sapphire up again and dropped her about five feet to the right, sending her tumbling downwards one last time. She's too startled to land on her feet, and hits the ground ungracefully, sitting up and blinking after a few seconds.]


!event, weird even for me

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