Калифорнийские птички

Oct 17, 2021 21:38

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[Spoiler (click to open)]0:00 Bewick’s Wren
0:21  Anna's hummingbird feeding youngsters
0:46 Barn swallow
1:02 Spotted towhee
1:07 Allen Hummingbird
1:24 Acorn woodpecker
1:32  Hooded Oriole
1:47 Cooper's Hawk (attacked by swallows)
2:03  House finch (singing)
2:16  California thrasher
2:57 Mountain chickadee
3:20 Lesser goldfinch (female)
3:25  Mallard Duck (female) hunting for crawfish
3:47 Pied-billed Grebe
3:53 Black-crowned Night-Heron
4:01 Green heron
4:17 Northern Pintail (male and female)
4:45 Hooded merganser (male and female)
4:58 Godwits
5:08 Peregrine falcon (Mussel Rock Park)
5:31 Anna's humming bird bathing
5:53 Townsend's Warbler bathing
6:33 White-tailed Kite
6:53 Cliff swallow
7:00 Whiskered Tern
7:20 Heermann's Gulls
7:28  Western gull 1st winter juvenile and  Black oystercatcher
7:35 Black oystercatchers
7:49  Ring-billed gull trying to swallow a starfish
8:00 Caspian Terns
8:20 Pigeon Guillemots
8:40 Black Turnstones
8:49 Brown Pelicans
9:07 Snowy plover
9:12 Band-tailed Pigeons
9:30 American crow (attacked by swallows)
9:40 European Starlings
9:50 Dark eyed junco rising cowbird chick
10:21 Steller's Jay
10:21 House finch (female)
10:39 Mourning dove
10:45 Great Blue heron
11:03 Gadwalls (male and female)
11:08 Black Phoebe
11:31 Clark's Grebe
10:41 Brown-headed cowbirds (male and female)
10:50 House Finches
12:00 Greater Scaup (female)
12:09  Oak Titmouse
12:22 Great White Egret caught a fish
12:28 Whimbrel
12:40 Snowy plover
12:43 Common Raven digging for mole crab
12:58 House sparrow
13:03 Mountain Chickadee
13:23 House wren
13:33 California Scrub Jay
14:40 Red-shouldered Hawk

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