Aight, so I am working at the moment. I work for Two Chicks and a Broom, an enviro-friendly cleaning service. It may sound weird, but this is the most zen job in a way, like yeah, semi-nerves on the whole hoping the client thinks you cleaned well enough, but it's nice to see the fruits of your labor right away. And you work up such a sweat, I dunno, it just feels good. And it's great pay and I get to set the hours, hells to the yeah there.
In other news, meeting Lila was fantastic. Such a beautiful baby. I have to keep myself from driving to Chattanooga like daily to see her.
Thanksgiving was good, we just bought food to eat, lols, way easy :)
Oh, and Friday, I got paid almost 100 bucks to help one of my mom's friends put up her Christmas decorations, best day ever!!!
And now for the survey Amanda posted ;)
What is your best camping experience? Why?
I think I've only had one, so that time my Girl Scout troop camped out like 15 ft. from some cabin in the country. And it rained, and we slept through it just to shut up the boys we went to school with. Then I believed we shopped at the outlets the next day, but still, we camped!
What award would you love to win specifically? (For example - An Oscar for Best Actress)
I would've liked Star of the Week, but now I'll settle for Pulitzer or Humanitarian of the Year
What is/will be the title for your autobiography/memoirs?
Crazy?! Crazy Like a Fox! IDK, haven't thought about it. I think I'll need multiple memoirs, so multiple titles.
What is your secret indulgence? (Chocolate, shoes, sports memorabilia, etc)
Desperate Housewives
What kind of swimmer are you? Laps? Diving board? Belly flops? Lounge and tan?
Laps, funnin around
Favorite crayola crayon? (Refer to for help if needed)
What really wakes you up in the morning? (Coffee, tea, breakfast, newspaper, etc.)
Knowing what I have to do that day
Where do you get your news? (NY Times, Cosmo, The Daily Show, etc.)
Yahoo, MSN, CNN, people
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Teleportion or the ability to be a fly on the wall
What are 5 things on your bucket list? (list of things to do before you "kick the bucket")
- Travel to all continents
- Passionately kiss in the pouring rain
- Help to improve the education system in the US
- Meet Ellen DeGeneres
- Take cooking classes
If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
What was the best day in the past month for you? Why?
A non-work day where I'm still happily productive
EDIT: Read this incorrectly. The day I met my beautiful goddaughter Lila was the best day in the past month for me. I'd been waiting so long to see her and it was so great holding her in my arms, feeding her, kissing her cheeks, that sort of thing.
Do you carry anything unique in your wallet/purse? If so, what/why?
Not really, just anything I think I might need... Oh, and my mini WU diploma and gift cards to places that aren't even in Memphis
What do you cook/bake really well?
Fudge, baked goods, fried chicken, tacos, squash casserole, pumpkin pasta... lots of stuff
Favorite dessert indulgence?
Ben & Jerry's Half Baked with a Coke Zero
What have you always wanted to learn to do? (Play an instrument, write a bestselling novel, learn a language, etc.)
Speak fluent Italian
What book has made an impact on you in some way? (For the non-readers, what movie?)
To Kill a Mockingbird, The Giving Tree
Where do you enjoy shopping, but hate spending your own money?
Most anywhere, clothing shops primarily,
If you could go on an all expense paid second honeymoon (or go on your first one), where would you go?
Tuscany prolly
What is your favorite flower/plant?
Irises and Calla Lilies
What is a pet peeve of yours?
Smacking one's lips, especially while eating
What do you see as your greatest achievement so far?
Driving myself and my Camry from the Pacific to the Atlantic all by myself
You have won a prize. The prize has two options, and you can choose either (but not both). The first option is a year in any country you choose with a monthly stipend of $2,000. The second option is ten minutes on the moon. Which option do you select?
The first, I'm far too afraid of space travel.
What Olympic sport would you love to compete in?
Curling, lols.
What was your favorite game as a child? As an adult?
As a child, pretend games mainly, Clue
As an adult Scrabble or Apples to Apples
What song do/would you sing for karaoke?
Any song I know the lyrics to, lols
What words/phrases do you use frequently?
Really, OMG, ... dunno, you tell me
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
Haha, lately, going to church with Memaw, eating dinner with her and Pepaw and then seeing what friends are up to, so drinking a bit or hangin out
Who is your favorite comedian?
Lucille Ball, timeless, always makes me laugh
Do you enjoy amusement park rides? If so, what is your favorite?
YES!!! Whatever's fast and tickles my tummy!
Where would you like to retire?
Don't know yet, haven't seen enough places to choose
If ________________ became president, I would leave the country. (Who would that person be? Paris Hilton, Triumph the Insult Dog, Jeff Foxworthy, etc.)
If I leave the country, I can't help make it right... so wouldn't it be bad of me to leave?