May 01, 2005 12:58
yeah i haven't posted here for a while. i posted on wednesday but mitch caught us in the booth and told us to go back to class. Yeah i'm reading other ppls journals and there like so crazy. i basically read kenneth's post and his were quiet interesting. yeah well like kenneth mentioned. Arian is just a waste of his time if ppl don't want to be helped. and that holds everybody else back because he's like do this and they don't so then he works with them for a while and that just waste time. Les mis is a big production ppl. we wan to do our best. we have the best singers in the school probably singing on stage with us. theres kenneth maggie seika matt kristen anthony erwin alex devon and rosa. thats all the ppl i can think of if i forgot u then i'm sry just add urself on mmmkay. i luv all the drama kids. yeah. ppl if u haven't already done so then u must sign my sweater. i getting ppl to tag me before the year is over mmmkay.
Has anyone ever been in luv w/ someone so much it hurt. or until the point when u were like willing to do anything for them. well i'm kinda feeling that but is for alot of ppl! and no i'm not a whore ppl!
Wow my whole ninth grade year went by so fast. i remember south pacific. man and thats kinda old. i remember hating this school and then meeting the wonderful drama kids who little do they know helped me thru tought times i had this year. all of u played a special part in my life this year. even if we never talked before! yeah again i luv the drama kids. i don't know wat to do net year because so many of u are leaving and thats depressing u know. well i'm tired of typing and my hands are starting to hurt. well if u can leave me ur email address so that we can keep in contact mmmkay. mine is thats also my sn for the messenger to and my aim sn is automaticrage. so i'll ttyl and maybe see u another day!