Mar 03, 2008 18:01
Ack! I was ganged up on! Lol, both Paula and Caren tagged me. Alright, here's the basics:
Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 6 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (tag, you're it!) to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can see your answers.
Alrighty, for Paulka:
1. I now have insatiable cravings for Mac & Cheese (but not from the box), ice cream sandwiches, and fish sticks.
2. I'm addicted to Iron Chef and Good Eats. (Youtube rocks!)
3. I love boots. I have two new pairs that I haven't even worn yet, and I still want more.
4. My cat annoys the heck out of me (Ben spoils her, the little brat!).
5. I can't drink more than one cup of coffee a day now, so I've just cut myself off completely.
6. I love the fact that because I'm pregnant, I have the perfect excuse to shop for new clothes.
7. I am oddly entertained by watching Ben play his computer games. It's so weird...
8. I have about a dozen pairs of toe socks, and wear them constantly (brightly colored toes!).
9. I'm afraid to drive my car. Lol, it's because the brakes make funny noises, and I can't drive anyway, I get horribly car sick now.
10. I no longer watch TV. I have the internet, and therefore, Youtube is awesome.
And I tag...
*Maddi - Because I want to see if she can come up with 10 (I'm gonna post this in Livejournal so she does it!)
*Mackena - Because I haven’t heard from her in ages.
*Brittany - Ditto, since my phone started having psychotic episodes
*Brat - Just because you’re my sister
*Anna - See above reason
*Katie - Because I haven’t seen or heard from you since the wedding.
One down, ten more to go. For Caren:
1. I want to buy a mug at the Fair we're going to (because I obviously don't have enough mugs... >.< ).
2. I was incredibaly pissed off at both my mom and Ben's for throwing a fit about you coming to the wedding (it's still a touchy subject).
3. Ben has almost as many swords as I have shoes (I have 5 pairs, he has 3 swords).
4. I hate doing laundry, not only because it means a thousand trips up and down the stairs (stairs are evil for the preggo!) but because there are new washers and dryers at the laundry place and they upped the price 50 cents per load (bastards! *shakes fist*).
5. Our friend Marvin loves to spin our cat almost as much as we enjoy watching him. (The worst time was when Ben put tape on the cat's feet, THEN let Marvin spin the poor animal. We almost died laughing.)
6. Our cat has the memory of a goldfish and the attention span of a flea (so when things like above happen, 15 minutes afterward she's curled up in his lap, purring).
7. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I threw up ginger ale, but was able to eat Skittles later that day with no problem. (Yes, you read right. Ginger ale. Skittles. Don't ask.)
8. Ben and I are constantly changing the thermostat because my body temperature fluctuate so rapidly.
9. In addition to using a spritz bottle to discipline the cat, I use it on Ben occasionally. (Our friend Marvin fears it as well)
10. I am not looking forward to the whole sleep-in-a-tent-evil-showers part of the fair, but I want to see you bad enough to endure (And I don’t care if it’s bad for me, they’d better have some sort of coffee!)
And six more...
*Kody - Because it would be amusing
*Cheyenne - Because you have a new baby, and I will soon.
*Tara - Because I’m curious...
*Stephanie - Because I just love being a pain in your ass
Hmmm.... I don’t think there’s anyone else that might read this. Damn. Oh well, on with the game!