Glee 2.01 Review
I’m sorry for this being EPICALLY late… I know the new episode airs today in the USA, but I realized that I do have some things I wanted to say about the premiere after-all. I just didn’t feel like writing a full-length review. So I’m just going to do bullet points because I doubt anyone’s going to read it at this point. lol.
- I’m really glad that Quinn is back on the Cheerio’s! And as the head cheerleader =). I don’t know why, but being a cheerleader is just part of Quinn and her character. And I like seeing her in that position. I wonder if anything’s going to change for her, though. I just wish they won’t treat the pregnancy as if it didn’t happen.
- Continuing with the Quinn/Cheerleading thing: I was SO excited to see her come to auditions! I was about to yell: “LET HER AUDITION! PLEASE!!!” haha. I really like the banter between Quinn and Sue, too. Because Sue’s the one who always insults others, and Quinn always stands there, for of confidence, and just knows what to say back. I love that about her!
- I don’t know why but I actually enjoyed the Quinn/Santana fight. Their comebacks were pretty sweet, too. It’s kind of weird that I liked this scene because I think the OTH parallel of them (I’m sorry to all the none-OTH viewers, I just think about this automatically… haha) would be Rachel and Brooke. Which I absolutely despised!
- I feel like Will was acting completely OOC during most of the episode with the way he was treating Coach Biste. But I’m glad that they acknowledged that (and that the new coach said how everyone told her that Sue was like this, but that Will wasn’t). Though I was glad for this storyline because it shows you that even adults don’t always know what the right thing to do and the right way to act is. And I did love the Will/Sue interaction!
- I thought that Mike and Tina getting together was EPIC! I loved the beginning “Because we’re both Asian? That’s racist” “Totally racist”… and the fact that they both were counselors at Asian Camp to make the tech-savvy Asians appreciate the arts… lol. That made my life.
- The new boy is HOT! And I have a feeling that I’m really going to like his character. =)
- I liked Sunshine up until I saw an interview with the actress who portrays her =S.
- I’m really sad Finn is off the football team. Especially after last season he said how he loved it so much. I’m not mad that he’s not the quarterback… just that he’s not on it. Football just seems to be something that is completely part of his character. That’s why I’m glad that Quinn is a cheerleader now. But this… this is like having Brittany not dance. I don’t know. There’s just going to be something missing here for me.
- Jacob Ben Israel is giving Jews a bad name =,(. I didn’t even realize he was Jewish until this episode when I heard his name and saw the Star of David on his mic. Why must he be Jewish? WHY? I take comfort in the fact that Rachel and Puck are Jewish and that Diana’s an awesome real-life Jew. Haha.
- I don’t appreciate Puck’s chauvinistic jokes… but I still do like him. =S. I don’t understand why.
- I don’t understand why Shelby’s not the coach of Vocal Adrenaline anymore. What, because she has a baby now? It’s been a whole summer since she got Beth so she doesn’t necessarily need a maternity leave. What… a woman cannot have a family and work, too?
- As for the music… I do like recent songs. But I didn’t like that every song except for two were off the “Top Ten” of the past month. I was really surprised when Rachel/Lea sang “What I Did For Love” because I’ve seen “A Chorus Line” and it’s not often that I recognize, and can sing along, to a song from Broadway. So that was fun. Haha.
Two side notes:
- I have no idea how exactly I’ve become such a Quinn/Diana lover. Maybe that’s a sign I’ve been on LJ/Fanforum too long and have too many Quinn/Diana lovers and friends. Haha.
- The Britney Spears episode is going to be EPIC! I LOVE Britney! And I’m glad that there are going to be new and old songs of hers (as seen from the Promo… =)).
- And last thing, I really hope I’m not going to become obsessed with Glee the way I have with One Tree Hill. I don’t need another obsession in my life. =P