Mar 18, 2005 10:30
Well I just thought that is was time for an update cause I have nothin better to do so let me see. A few weeks ago I started datein Kara Muliins and that didnt last to long we already broke up not really sure what I did there but I guess somethin. Then I kinda talked around to people and Kinsley asked me out Im datein her now so maybe it will last this time.
I started baseball a few weeks ago too Im playin center,1st, and on the mound some which it doesnt matter where they put me cause I dont really care Ill play where Im told. Caleb and Worm are the captains but thats fine with me because thats who I voted for.
Iv also been playin the gutiar for a while now Im gettin there I guess, jared was spoused to come up tomm and show me some stuff but I have a scrimage at castelwood at 11:30 and I have to leave her at like 9:30 and where stayn for the varsity game then I THINK Kinsley is comin home with me well I think thats pretty much it