2011 Master Fic List

Aug 26, 2021 19:00

This is my master list of fic written in 2011. Newest at the bottom. All are Gen unless specifically noted.

Title: Never Too Late for Christmas
Word Count: ~5300
Characters: John and Dave Sheppard
Summary: After missing Christmas with Dave, John drops by to make amends. But neither brother is prepared for what happens next.

Title: The Child of Fear
Word Count: ~17,500
Characters: Everybody
Summary: Atlantis must pick up the pieces after returning to Pegasus from an extended absence in the Milky Way. However, reclaiming their place in the Coalition will not be easy. The galaxy has changed, and not every change is visible.

Title: Something More
Word Count: ~12,500
Characters: John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Carson
Summary: After Rodney is injured on a mission, John jumps at the chance for a milk-run assignment to ease him back into action.

fanfic, sga

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