Election Day 2008

Nov 04, 2008 00:10

Well, it's 12:10 by my clock, and thus, officially Election Day 2008!

We've waited two years -- two long, drawn-out, frustrating years of debates, slogans, campaign rallies and tri-syllabic chants -- to get to this point. People have characterized this particular election as one of the most important in years -- decades, even. I've heard it called the most important since the inception of our nation. The important thing to remember is that no matter who wins tomorrow, this election will be historic. For multiple reasons, it will be one of the most historic processes our country has ever witnessed.

All I can say about it is, I'm glad. Thrilled. My friends would probably say "obsessed", haha. But in all seriousness, I'm ready for new leadership and for the chance to kick-start this country's morale again. Based on my icon (and, for those of you who know me, a frankness of expressed opinion), you know, or can guess, who I voted for. But as long as all of my American friends cast a vote today, and do it with an active, discerning eye, then that's the only thing I care about. Frankly, I'm just blessed to live in a country where I can vote, period, and where my vote actually matters.

And now for the obligatory political macros and video virals which accompany this post. (A small warning: this is going to be image heavy! But amusing!)

The Democrats:

Is anyone else amused by the fact that Bill Clinton is now referred to as "William Jefferson" while on the campaign trail with Obama? Just me?

A Disney reference FTW!

So if he wins, this is Obama's real plan:

An oldie, but goodie:

Some bipartisan lulz for the moderate voters among us:

McCain's caption never fails to make me laugh on this one:

This is possibly the best photoshop EVER. For serious.

Considering that political fandom (whatever that's defined as) currently nurses a GIANT crush on Joe Biden, this one is for the fangirls:

And now, the Republicans!

Discussing the five syllables which have defined the campaign trail:

Game Show Network, where are you when we need you?

McCain gets his political groove on.

In a foreign-policy nod, I give you Vladimir Putin, King of karate Russia Judo:

My favorite video spoofs of the season:


Palin and Hillary:

W. endorsing the Republican ticket (with Will Ferrell as W! I have missed him!):

McCain and Palin buy airtime on QVC:

There will probably be another post of this magnitude tomorrow night. Get excited!

election 08, politics, funny, macroes

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