this will be worth something later. no, really.

Jun 19, 2008 16:00

Spent my day off gloriously doing nothing. Or rather, watching the Sci-Fi marathon of Who that has been on since mid-morning. It was all S2 episodes, so I got to relive things like the parallel universe, the Cybermen, the Isolus, the Queen's coronation, and, of course.....the events of Doomsday.

Forgot that Freema Agyeman makes a brief appearance as Martha's long-lost cousin, Adeola, which was fun to watch. Also forgot that Donna pops up as the "Runaway Bride" right after the tearful Rose/Doctor goodbye. How could I have blanked that from my memory?

In any case, re-watching Army of Ghosts/Doomsday again will probably come in handy.

In other Who-related news, I've been dorking around with my guitar a lot this week, and have subsequently learned a couple of new songs as well as figured how to play an extremely simplified first-rate version of the Who theme. Go me!

guitar, life, doctor who

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