a sudden attack of nostalgia

May 09, 2008 21:39

As I was walking home from the National Theatre last night, I saw the London Eye in the distance and decided to meander over to the Thames, just for a little while. It was only 9:45, after all, and the play I'd seen (The Year of Magical Thinking, with Vanessa Redgrave -- it's brilliant, go Google it) had gotten out earlier than expected. Ironically, I wasn't afraid to walk alone -- it barely crossed my mind to be nervous. London's a relatively safe city, and I knew exactly where I was -- a nighttime stroll seemed like a lovely idea.

So, decision made, I strolled down Belvedere Lane, my goal in sight.  I ended up just near Westminster Bridge, and stood by the side of the Thames, soaking it all in, bathed in the soft blue and white glow of the Eye. I could smell a tang of salt in the air every time a breeze drifted over the river. The moon -- hanging hazily in the background -- reminded me of all those rainy days we'd had in the winter.

And then, I looked over to the Houses of Parliament. Those stately, beautiful buildings. In the distance, the white towers of Westminster Abbey were just visible. The whole scene was representative of thousands of years of history and democracy and progress to me. I just couldn't stop staring at them. Pictures on a postcard, hurried snapshots -- nothing can capture just how gorgeous those buildings truly are.

All of a sudden, Big Ben began to chime the hour. Everybody knows what that sounds like, at least in theory -- we've heard it a dozen times in movie scenes, soundtracks, et cetera. But being there in person, hearing that beautiful, deep timbre ring out across the water -- it was amazing. I stood there for twenty minutes afterward and just stared over the river, wondering when I'll ever be able to see it again. It made me realize just how much I'm going to miss this city when I'm gone. After all, it's only two more days until I leave.

So, if I continue to get nostalgic in the next few days, forgive me. :) It's just my way of bidding this city goodbye.

nostalgia, life, london

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