Prepare to hate my guts, friends.

Apr 02, 2008 18:55

This is for two main reasons. One, my spring break update is still in the works and won't be posted for a few more days. I have also neglected to pull the pictures off of my camera from said trip. So that's one reason to hate my guts.

Reason number 2 regarding why you should prepare to hate me is much, much cooler.

I've got tickets to a DOCTOR WHO EXHIBITION for Monday!!!!!!!!! Considering that it is the largest exhibition of Doctor Who props, costumes, etc. ever to be held in the UK, that's pretty freaking awesome. I may also get to try on a Dalek and (perhaps?) stand next to the real life Tardis. *squees gleefully*

If, after you stop hating me, you'd like to read more about the exhibition, follow the link here:

life, doctor who, london

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