New Years Day 2018 update

Jan 02, 2018 00:27

Here is my update for New Years Day 2018.

Job: still none

Money: starting to get low

The two above issues are leading to my depression to hit me again hard. Getting to be a struggle some days to not just spend the entire day sleeping (or as much as Lucy and Mother Nature will allow).

On the plus side: I am a very active member of the Technical Skills Share Group now. They have motivated me to get back into programming and testing. So far with them, I have created a Java-based Selium framework for website testing, Java-based Appium framework for native Android application testing, and I am learning how to use Docker to create light weight virtual machines for use in testing and programming.

On top of that, I am attending meet-ups for programming, testing, and general Linux stuff to also help keep my skills sharp.

I also attend Continuum in Detroit this past October, so I did get to one other con besides the ones I listed in my last post. I had really needed the break at that point, so I am glad that I went even though the expense would have been nice to have not incurred.

I need to do a new profile for Indeed and Dice and make a stronger effort to find a new job. I do not want to run out of money. I have 3 cons coming up that I am committed to: Arisia in 2 weeks, MarsCon at the start of March, and FuMPFest at the end of May. I also am running the Logan Awards this year so that has to get done in time for the awards to be given out at FuMPFest.

That's about it. My push for a new job will really start after Arisia, but I will get my new job hunting profiles done over this week so I am ready for the push.
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