It was a foggy day on the ridge. My dogs cooperatively sat while I sketched and the colors of the landscape were so rich. Ripe red poison oak after being misted with fog is the most delicious red-apple color. Against all the lime greens and greys it was like one of Egidia's glass works!
A Kite hung out above me. I had my 10 x25 binoculars. As I watched I got to see the most wonderful aerobatics and body movements to keep its eyes motionless in the sky. Kites must have PH.d's in physics- they understand how the universe works- we could learn a lot from them - perhaps we should send kites into outerspace to conduct experiments and to relay their observations. They could fly the galaxy. If we cooperated with animals more perhaps they'd be willing to help us like that. I think a Florida snail kite deserves the first space mission for having put up with the pollution of Cape Canaveral all these years. Imagine if our planet if we got the fact that all these animals are sentient emotional thinking beings like us with capacities far outstripping humans. We would be humbled. Did you read Spain gave great apes "human rights" last month!