(no subject)

Feb 13, 2005 21:16

Hey, guess it's time to update. Well, not much has been going on as of lately. I have ot get my drivers license and plates renewed soon. I'm going to be 25 in less than a month. Sucks, man.

Cool thing is I did have a job last week. It was only for 3 days contracted thru Manpower. It was ripping up the Chicago Bears football turf bc they're getting a new field this summer. That fun. That'll be a few extra $$$$'s.

Getting groceries this week. Fun!! I think Kristen and I are getting pics takin professionally this week. Should be cool.

I have 2 job interviews this week. I hope I get one of them. I hate living off of my wife. My first interview is at CDW. They make hardware for PC's. The other one is at some local bank. In any event, any opportunity would be a plus. IF all goes well and according to plan, Kristen and I were thinking about getting another car. Maybe a PT Cruiser. They advertise them, used, up the road for under $200 a month. Im not sure if we need a second car. We only have a one car garage and we dont have a conflicting schedule.

Man did I sleep well last night. We went to bed around 8PM and woke up at 9AM today. Give me a break. I worked 3 12 hr days of intense physical labor. Hopefully the haviest damn thing I'll have ot lift is a stapler.

Well, I think that's all for now. Time to go wonder what some people's head would look like on a stick.

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