Oct 12, 2011 00:48
So I have my journal open literally every day, since I never close the tab, yet the last time I posted was the 15th of September. Damn, lol.
Not up to much, I have a week and a half left of this session of my semester for school. This is week 7, ends on Sunday, then week 8 starts but ends early, on Thursday the 20th. I'm in this self accelerated math course, of which there are 3 "courses", Math032, Math092, and Math114. I was enrolled in Math032 last session, and finished that class and half of Math092 since we can work ahead. This session I'm enrolled in Math092 which I finished pretty much two day after the session started. If I finish all the work for Math114 before the end of the session, I don't have to take it next semester, which means I can take a class that actually might be fun. So my goal is to finish 5 weeks worth of work in this week and a half I have left. Hopefully luck is with me.
Well, back to the schoolwork. Le sigh. Hopefully my wrists stop acting so irritated. :/