(no subject)

Oct 04, 2004 20:34

Man, i'm really getting upset about the election
I am soooo not looking forward to going back to school and listening to a bunch of rich girls say that John Howard is 'good'. Wow yeah, good for them because he raised HECS fees and almost got rid of medicare - but what do they care? their parents will pay for all their healthcare and uni fees anyway.

Oh and as for lying and invading a sovereign state and taking innocent lives and making australia a terrorist target and banning gay marriage and being disgusting and locking kids up in the middle of the desert...well what do they care? they can sit safe and sound in their lovely houses and watch it all happen on TV and say that Howard is good, even though when you ask them why they can't answer you.

You know what i'd like to hear answered?
the question "why is John Howard good for this country?"
I'd be interested to hear anyone's answers
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