Dec 11, 2003 11:57
So, I've got until tonight to turn in my last paper for European history...
And I think I can do it.
I got 3 hours of sleep last night. No dinner. No breakfast. No lunch, so far. This is my own punishment for procrastinating so much.
By whatever means, I have to get this paper in...My grade depends on it. By whatever means...
I will never be lazy again.
**UPDATE** I got my paper turned in on time. Well, I left it on his office door before 5:30pm, since he wasn't there for me to hand it to him. There was another girl there waiting on him, so I didn't worry too much about whether or not he was coming back. I ended up typing 11 pages about Casanova's escape from the Leads prison in Venice, which was a little interesting... That's it.