All my livejournal friends, this is a porduct of my boredom.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As well you know, abortion has been a constant issue in the past couple of decades.
I am here to sway no opinions. I am here to state the facts of having a child, and what is deprived of you and your family when you proceed with this procedure. I am also going to state the negatives as well.
So it all begins with you and your partner being irresponsible and careless, you have something happen to you that changes your life completely. You probably won't get to do the things you want to do right away. You probably feel like you are the only person in your situation or has ever been. You feel like you made the wrong choice. You know it's too late to go back now. Then, 9 months of pregnancy(uncomfortable I might add) later, you're in the delivery room. You give birth. It's the most unimaginable pain you could ever fathom. The nurse wipes he/she off and wraps them in a blanket. She hands him/her to you. You look into your child's eyes. And you see something more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
And you feel love. More love than you could ever feel for anything or anyone in the world. And then he/she looks up at you. Even though, this child, this wonderful being, has caused a damper on things in your life, you fall in love.
You fall in love with your child.
And then you realize, this is child is truly yours. This soft, beautiful, innocent, high maintenance, fussy and the whole responsibility package, baby is yours. And no one can take that away from you.
You helped create something breathtaking. Something alive. A priviledge that makes us special. We have a special bond with our offspring unlike most animals. This special bond will be with you for the rest of your days. Imagine. You get to spend everyday of the next 18-20 years with something you gave life to.
In my opinion, in the end, through all the morning sickness, the gaining weight, the back pain, the extreme hot flashes, the cramping, the cravings, the financial stress, the extreme pain, the diapers, the breast feeding, the 3am wake up calls, the terrible two year olds, the potty training, the discipline, the energy, the time, the money, the patience, the arguing, the bickering, the things said that are not meant, the teenage drama, etc. all mean something to me. Nothing in life is easy. It never has been.
But what about the fun part of having a child? Why is it such a negative thing to have a baby now a days?
What about the first time your child smiles at you? Or the first time he/she can sit up by themself?
What about the crawling, the laughing and drooling, the first step, being able to walk, the first day of preschool, teaching them how to be the man/woman they are supposed to be, teaching them how to ride their first bike, tucking them in at night reading a bedtime story, showing them how to take care of themself, teaching them about life, holding their hand when you cross the street, hearing them tell you they love you over and over, watching them go to their first day of kindergarten, watching his first at bat in the little league or her first dance recital, their first day of middle school, their 16th birthday, having conversations at the dinner table, playing games and going places together, being together as a family, being supportive in his/her activities and interests, getting their driver's liscense, driving their own car, their 18th birthday, seeing them graduate from high school, helping pack their stuff for college, missing them, missing them more, sending them money when they are broke, watching them build their career, watching them get married and start their own life.
This "dumb fetus" is more than just potential for all of the above and more, this child is more than you can ever imagine. More than you could ever hope for. More than you could ever know without a first hand experience.
Knowing that you helped them achieve all these great things by showing them that you love them is the most important thing, IMO.
And with all the positive things that come from having a child, it seems to me that the experience is well worth the negatives.
Because your child will grow up knowing what you teach them. And they will thank God for you being there for them everyday. And sometimes they may say things to you that feels like a knife in your heart and sometimes they will say things that melt your heart. But they will always love you. It's hard to break a bond so strong.
It's a give and take bond between the parents and child(ren).
And even though when they are young adults they don't realize it, but you are doing what you think is best for them.
And what is best for the child is what is important.
You may think I am bringing the emotional aspects into the debate. So be it.
This is life. Everything I listed is reality. If you can't handle reality, that sucks for you. You're in for a rude awakening.
Life is the most precious gift we could recieve. We have a chance to make ourselves known in the human race.
We have the ability to create life.
As for myself, I am a Christian and I do believe in God.God(or whatever you believe) gave us the gift of creation. WE ARE ABLE TO CREATE LIFE.
How is that not the greatest thing ever? To see someone take their first breath, knowing it was only possible because of you and your partner.
Even if you don't believe in God, it's no different. Life is the same in every religion. Precious.
And of course for those of you that don't have a religion, just think about how important it is to you that you are healthy, here, and ALIVE.
Life is a wonderful, topsy-turvy, dramatic, stressful, tragic, exciting, angstful, serious, cruel, amazing, crazy, mixed-up, bipolar, psychotic, bittersweet, romantic, loving, caring, ecstatic, heart wrenching, breathtaking, bizarre, odd, merry-go-round of experience.
Do you all realize how great life is? Do you realize how lucky you are to be in your shoes?
There is nothing greater than existance.
Just seriously sit down and think the next time you say you want to die. Consider it really hard.
Do you really want to give up the greatest possible gift?
They didn't.
Don't take away the only chance that child has at the greatest oppurtunity in the universe.