FIC: Once burned 3/5

Feb 02, 2009 15:08

FIC: Once burned 3/5
Author: Ann
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing/character: Simon/Jayne, mentions of Mal/Jayne and Mal/Simon
Warnings: Angst, awkward!sex
Rating (This chapter): NC17

Sweet Charity fic for denyce, sorry it’s taking a while but I hope you enjoy it. Will be posted to this journal until complete, and then to archives and comms.

Summary: Simon unknowingly commits an infraction that could have severe repercussions for himself, and the crew.

Thanks to bookaddic43 for the great beta

Previous chapters are found here

Simon was well aware, and had been for quite a time, that he shouldn’t drink so much. So why he
kept drinking, he wasn't sure. He was enjoying the evening with the rest of the crew. But being off the ship, even on a planet which took such blatant disinterest and segregated themselves from the Alliance happily, had made him uncomfortable enough to reach for the amber liquid. Luckily River was safe and away from prying eyes aboard Serenity, enjoying time with Kaylee and Inara, or Simon knew he wouldn‘t have touched the drink. Which would have led to a less relaxed evening, he was sure.

Still, he’d seen firsthand on Osiris the type of trouble too much alcohol could cause and given the kind of trouble he’d already been dragged into on Talos, it should’ve crossed his mind to actually stop drinking. Especially as he was nearing his limit. The well-made sake going down smoother than alcohol often did for him.

That thought in mind, Simon covered his glass with a hand as drinks were, once again filled. But their host looked decidedly unimpressed at the gesture and as Mal had pressed at his ‘pre-dinner talk’, the last thing they needed was anyone else upsetting the locals and any other mistakes being made that got them in a whole heap of go se and playin’ in ways that weren’t too comfortable.  So Simon removed his hand and resolved to sip the drink slowly.

The talk, addressed as it had been to the entire crew, had left Simon both uncomfortable and annoyed. The captain had been acting like a complete hundan ever since he and Jayne had accidentally become responsible for Simon. Though the captain hadn’t taken much responsibility since he’d pushed Simon onto Jayne and ordered them to bunk together. Which, Simon had to admit, was a lot more comfortable and fun than he had expected. Given that Mal had pushed both him and Jayne together, it frustrated Simon to no end when Mal acted so shirty. The captain was cooler towards both of them, tossing out backhanded comments whenever the moment came up and generally acting like a spoilt brat.

Simon could guess why Mal saw fit to act this way, though he preferred not to. It made him wonder whether the captain’s jibing; the teasing he’d adopted in the past when describing Simon, when noticing something about his attire, about his manner, about him, was something more than Simon had allowed himself to see. If the pretty fits… Uncomfortable as those words had made him, Simon had, on more than one occasion, felt himself enjoying Mal’s attentions; the touch to his hand, fingers playing over his skin as Mal murmured the words with his mouth close enough to Simon’s jaw for Simon to feel the warm breath caressing it…Later on that day, even with his arm stinging and face aching, the thought of Mal’s words had taken Simon over the edge as he lain in his bunk, hand around his cock, arm pressed to his mouth to muffle his groans.

Simon quickly swallowed down the drink, distracted from his own alcohol moderation by the warm flush that swept through him at the memory. Di yu, he had to slow down; he was already feeling heady, laughter coming more easily as Wash recounted an amusing tale involving Mal, Zoe and Wash’s long-lost moustache. Wash was gesturing sorrowfully at his face as Zoe made no attempt to cover her smile and Mal actually managed a smirk, one which faded as Jayne made a crude innuendo and Simon half-choked on a laugh.

“We best be gettin’ to business, before my crew has difficulties keepin’ their sensibilities about them.” Mal’s tone was amused, but his lips pressed together in a thin line as he glanced over to Simon and Jayne.

It wasn’t the most blatant of digs, nor the most sarcastic or insulting, but still Simon bristled. Felt annoyance sweep through him at Mal’s attitude, at the comments that had been barely veiled and cunningly spoken aboard Serenity over the last few days. Had he stopped to think logically, he’d have had to admit the alcohol was encouraging the slight resentment and uncertainty he’d had over Mal’s behaviour into full-blown annoyance and paranoia. Before Simon had the chance to snap back with something that would undoubtedly aghast the mayor and his people, Jayne’s hand tightened around his arm and his attention was drawn to the man next to him.

He missed the tightening of Mal’s jaw as the captain observed the action, the brief flare of anger and hurt in his eyes before Mal turned back to the mayor. Though Simon didn’t miss the mayor’s response as he brushed his aides into action and happily agreed to show Mal into the backrooms to finish conducting their business. Business that Mal asked Zoe and Wash to witness, the implication that Simon and Jayne should leave not lost on either of them.

Whilst Simon mentally went through the list of things he’d like to tell their captain, Jayne tossed back his drink and stood, eyes narrowing on Mal for a moment. The look that Mal threw back at Jayne wasn‘t heated, yet something about the way neither looked away as if silently challenging each other made Simon tense. It was…familiar, for lack of a better description. As though they’d both done this many a time. It was when Jayne was the first to look away that Simon wondered if perhaps he’d been wrong in think Mal was annoyed because Simon was sharing Jayne’s bunk. Perhaps it was Jayne that held Mal’s attentions, and didn’t that just bring in a whole new set of possibilities and uncertainties as Simon tried to recall if he’d ever seen anything between the two that could have possibility indicated something in the way of a relationship.

Troubled, he focussed on the drink in front of him, the full-flavor forgotten as he quickly drank the rest of his glass. It didn’t go down as smoothly as it had before, swallowed in haste mid-contemplation, and when he’d finished Jayne was tugging him to his feet.

“Ass up, doc. I ain’t carryin’ you back.”

Jayne sounded more amused than annoyed when Simon looked up and finally got to his feet, his legs feeling a little less connected and lighter than normal. “Jayne, the captain-”

“Mal’s got his own things to be doin’, just as we do.” Jayne still had hand on Simon’s arm, pulling him towards to door, leer on his lips leaving Simon in no doubt what he meant.

The idea that he could be intruding on something was brushed aside, pressed to the back of his mind where it could bother him at a later time. Mal had ordered them back to the ship, to the bunk they shared. The bunk Mal had insisted they share. Had Mal been in any way unhappy about the situation, Simon was sure he wouldn’t hesitate to say. The idea that the captain could be annoyed in something more than a ‘this could complicate things’ way, was ludicrous. Simon was sure Mal wouldn’t keep quiet, he just wasn’t the type. Besides which, he doubted Jayne would jeopardise his place aboard Serenity by indulging in a relationship with Mal and having sex with Simon on the side.

Not that he and Jayne had actually had sex. Not that he was brushing off frottage, some spectacular blow-jobs and a mind-blowing sixty-nine. Still sex his mind reminded him snidely. Just not everything. Not everything Simon wanted. However nervous he was about it. Everything else had been easy, awkward but easy enough. When it came to Jayne actually penetrating him, which Jayne had made clear he wanted to do and Simon was more than enthusiastic about; things had, until now, slowed down to almost a complete stop.

He point blank refused to use gun oil-the most hygienic of Jayne’s lube choices- and Jayne had disliked what Simon had brought aboard with him. Luckily Inara had something that she was discrete enough to give to Simon, after an even more awkward talk in which he’d found himself confessing what he hadn’t yet to Jayne, that his experience with Jayne was all the experience that he actually had and that the idea of penetration made him excited, yet also a little anxious.

With the alcohol inside him, the cool air outside making Simon stumble a little as the euphoric feeling took hold with a heavier hand, his worries seemed redundant. Especially when Jayne pressed him up against the side of a building; his hands already inside Simon pants, making the doctor wonder just when he’d loosened them, mouth claiming a hard kiss that had Simon gasping. He wasn’t sure what he groaned out as Jayne’s hand pumped his cock, his mouth making its way to Simon’s neck to bite and tease there, but whatever it was had Jayne stilling, hands yanking Simon’s pants closed before Simon could protest.

“My bunk. Now.”

Simon could only blink at the tensely spoken words, confusion dampening his arousal for a moment, before Jayne pulled him close, cock-to-cock- his mouth almost on Simon’s.


The word was a growl, punctuated by Jayne thrusting his hip against Simon’s cock. Simon found himself drawing in a deep breath, slight high noise to the end of it that had Jayne grinning at him, smirking like the hundan he was before stepping back, moving towards Serenity without a backwards glance at Simon.

And Simon was moving after him, tongue moving over his lips as he kept his body tense refusing to rush and remaining nonchalant. Unfortunately, he was unaware that his steps were hurried, only too eager if a little stumbling.

His nonchalant air was thoroughly dashed and forgotten when they got to Jayne’s bunk, as Jayne set about ridding Simon of his clothes with skilled hands. Every touch making Simon’s balls tighten, heat rushing to his belly for a moment, before Jayne moved to another area, arousing Simon almost to orgasm then denying him release by still his motions and just pressing his lips to Simon’s face. It was the most frustrating, pleasurable experience Simon had ever had. His own reciprocations were clumsy in comparison, as he assisted Jayne in removing their clothes, mimicking everything Jayne had done to him and what erotica and fiction both told him would arouse. Jayne didn’t complain, just kept drawing Simon to that edge; making his breath come in short pants as he closed his eyes and curled his toes.

He needed release, needed more and was aware that he babbled just that as Jayne took his cock into his mouth. What Simon was unaware of was just what he’d close to begged Jayne to do, what his mind had been on when Jayne had kissed and groped and aroused him into nothing but wanting pleasure.

Jayne, however, wasn’t unaware. Simon groans and his eagerly thrusting hips had him thinking the man was ready for what he’d wanted, what he’d asked for. His hand was already coating his cock with that damn womanly smelling luh so Inara had given Simon.

The scent of jasmine had Simon opening his eyes, legs spreading automatically as Jayne pressed between them, head giddy from arousal and alcohol as Jayne pressed up against him. Then burning pain had him gasping, body arching up and away from Jayne as the man pressed into him, the head of Jayne’s cock just eased inside his body. The yelp was involuntary, Simon tensing and all but crawling up the bed, pulling Jayne’s cock from him as Jayne stared at him with incredulous eyes.

Simon’s breath was heaving, fingers clenching as a tremor ran through his legs, the giddy feeling gone, both his and Jayne’s cocks limp and the mood thoroughly dissipated. Humiliation rushed through him as Jayne still stared. Simon sat up, trying not to focus on the ache in his backside, Jayne looked confused and a touch angry as realization swept over his face.

“You gorramn idiot. You‘ve never done this before.”

Simon tensed eyes on Jayne’s as he shook his head and cleared his throat. “No, not…this.”

“Just not this? Or you tellin’ me you’ve never had any sexin’, Simon?”

The sheer disbelief in Jayne’s voice rubbed Simon the wrong way, anger and embarrassment sweeping through him in equal quantities, “Not that it’s any of your business-”

“No, it’s none of my ruttin’ business when I’m the one doin’ the sexin’.” The sarcasm was obvious in Jayne’s words as he shook his head. “Seems your sister ain’t the only one who’s feng le.”

The mention of River would have killed the mood completely if it hadn’t already been so, leaving a tense, cool atmosphere between them. One Simon had no idea how to rectify. There were plenty of things he could say back to Jayne, insults, banter that, at one time, would have put them on familiar and flirtatious ground. But Jayne was still looking unimpressed and a tad annoyed and Simon just wasn’t good with words. He could reattach limbs, could talk students through multiple operations and explain just why something should not be given a drug post-surgery unless a doctor wanted his patient to die. But he couldn’t answer Jayne.

He sighed as Jayne tossed the small lube bottle onto the floor, “I should go back to my own bunk-”

“No, can’t be doin’ that. Job’s too important, wouldn’t want to offend these fine folks more than we have.” Jayne was looking everywhere but at Simon now, making his way up the bed to flop beside him. “Should sleep now.”

“Sleep?” Simon pursed his lips, unease settling to a cold lump in his belly as Jayne grunted in affirmation and threw a hand over his eyes.

“Don’t complicate things with talkin’, doc. Be forgotten by morning’.”

The cold feeling was churning his stomach now, the words, the speech Simon had been trying to wrap his mind around, lost as he stared down at Jayne, noticing how tensely he held himself.

“I doubt that.” He couldn’t help the words as Jayne flicked off the light, effectively ending the conversation as Simon laid down. He should demand that they speak, that he explain why he hadn’t mentioned his lack of experience to Jayne, but as Simon opened his mouth, Jayne shifted onto his side, back towards Simon.

Be forgotten by morning

Simon half-hoped that was the case. They still had several days left on Talos and he preferred the attentions of Jayne as opposed to this indifference. In fact, he mused, he even preferred the insults, jibes and jostles they’d once shared. Simon inched back against Jayne's body and tried to ignore the sudden tensing of Jayne’s shoulders, before he finally fell asleep.

once burned, sweet charity, simon//jayne, firefly

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