These are some of the drabbles that I wrote over Christmas for peeps, thought I might post them here. I’ll post the rest up over the weekend.
Firefly drabbles +Firefly/Doctor Who crossover
Drabble 1:
Pairing: Jayne/Wash.
Rating: NC17
The first time Wash isn't sure if Jayne is just checking out the ship, or purposefully coming up to the cockpit and encroaching on Wash's personal space just to intimidate him. To let Wash know exactly who he is, and play metaphorical pissing games with the ship, claiming Serenity and all that was in her.
By the second time, Wash isn't sure Jayne's not trying to claim everything within the ship, when the man looms close to him, arms folded, just staring at Wash's back before he silently moves off. It makes Wash uneasy, gets his back up because he’s the one flying Serenity and if anyone should have claims to her, after Mal, it’s him. Not Jayne.
The third and fourth time come close together and Wash tries to ignore them, to ignore Jayne, though the man's presence makes him both uncomfortable and arousing. Makes him wonder if he's gone space crazy to feel himself go hard every time he feels Jayne's eyes upon him.
He can't match Jayne in strength or weight, but Wash starts using his mouth. Starts shooting off comments, snarking at the man and delighting when Jayne bites back. He isn't sure it doesn't make him more feng le getting Jayne riled enough to get up into his face promising violence, but he can't resist answering back, even instigating sometimes. And Jayne plays too. Puts his fingers all over Wash's dinosaurs and leaves them in all kinds of odd places, presses up against Wash, pinning him when Mal or Zoe can't catch a look, threatening various acts of bodily harm all the while his cock digs into Wash's hip.
The fifth time, with Jayne’s mouth around his own cock, Wash's pretty sure he knows what Jayne's intentions are.
Drabble 2:
Pairing: Kaylee/Jayne
Rating: PG
Jayne wasn’t aiming to be anyone’s hero, fun as it had been for a time in Canton it hadn’t lasted long and the idea of being called one again didn’t sit well with him. Not since then.
Not ‘til now; not with Kaylee kissing at his cheek, lips straying to sweep over the side of his mouth as she calls him it. Smile curving her lips as she steps back, a bounce to her step, looking all kinds of pretty and happy and perfect.
Accidental kisses like that get him wondering just whether she’ll take a chance and look his way instead of gazing at the rutting doc all the time, make him take her hand and stumble over words, not caring if Mal’ll be fit to kill him for doing so. Especially when Kaylee’s still smiling, still lookin’ all perky and pleased. It’s when her kiss ain’t so accidental on his mouth, he knows for sure he’s really his hero.
Drabble 3: Firefly/Doctor Who (nine)
Pairing: None, well, maybe Mal/Nine leanings
Rating: PG
"Gorramn fancy toy, you got there, doc." Mal knelt down next to the
man, trying to get a good look at the shiny gadget he was poking into
Serenity's inards. It had made him a mite uncomfortable at first to
think the Doctor was bringing something of the Alliance on board, but
that had faded soon as things got mended, Serenity getting closer to
flying each and ever day. Closer than Mal thought she would've been by
"How's she doin'?" He hadn't expected an answer before, now he did. The
Doctor was closed-mouthed, kept to himself which Mal appreciated. Did
lean a bit towards too closed mouthed though, when his hands were all
over Serenity.
"Ah, she's doing fine." The Doctor shot him a brief smile, before
turning back to the mass of wires he'd been poking at.
The Doctor...
Why he saw fit to call himself that instead of by name, Mal wasn't
sure, wasn't like the man was medic by trade or experience. He guessed
the doc had probably annoyed the Alliance no end at some point, put
some hard feelings behind them or something. Which tickled Mal some,
put himself one over on the Alliance. Besides, the man was making
Serenity happy, getting Mal in the mood to find a pilot now he had a
ship, first mate and a damn near genius onboard when it came to mechanics.
"Think she'll be ready for flying soon?" The words hadn't long come out
of his mouth, when the console above them lit into life, all kinds of
information reeling through it as it tried to find a Cortex connection.
"Shiny." He matched the Doctor's grin, with a slight twist to his lips
before standing to run fingers over her. Was like the ship was coming
awake now, life breathed into her bit by bit, last place the Alliance
could ever take, last place he'd ever let them be. His ship. Serenity.
"Beautiful, isn't she?" The Doctor was standing by his side, watching
Mal's fingers slide over the console, his eyes on the Captain's face.
"Oh she's all kinds of pretty. Got an attitude to her too." Mal's smile
was wider now as he patted the steel side of the console fondly. This
ship had felt like home the moment he stood on it and now she was
welcoming them in.
"She's good to go. Ready for you to take her out there." The Doctor's
grin seemed close to splitting his mouth now. All eager and enthused,
bubbling out of him in a manner that wasn't too tiresome, sat well on
the man and made him even easier on the eyes; made Mal take a long look
at him, made the doc look real shaui when he did that.
"Should be lookin' for a pilot." Mal agreed, he had one in mind-a man who
had a list reference an arm length long.
"And a mechanic."
"Huh? You not wantin' to stay?" That had been the deal from the
beginning but Mal had grown accustomed to the man, used to thinking on
him as crew.
"Nope. Much as I'd like to because you are gonna have some fun
times, i can't. I've got something waiting for me, someone if you will. Things to do, places to see, people to meet-" The Doctor paused, "But you, Malcolm Reynolds, were a
novelty to meet, and you haven't seen the last of me. Might be next
year, might not be for twenty-" He grinned, tossing his fancy toy from
hand to hand as he moved towards the door, steeping around the side
before tossing back his last comment, leaving Mal bemused, "But
whenever it will be, it'll be fun."
Drabble 4:
Pairing: Simon/Jayne
Rating: PG