Fic: Virtue (Angel/Xander)

Oct 11, 2008 14:40

Fic: Virtue
Author: Ann
Fandom: Buffy/Angel
Pairing/character: Angel/ Xander
Warnings: Slash, sex, bondage, biting
Rating: NC17

Summary: There wasn’t a warning to that tone, no inflection in it at all, but Angel could hear the ’don’t’ behind it

Thanks to prehistoric_sea and tourette_jean for the great beta.

This is a very belated birthday present ><

Fingers curling into his palms, Angel arched his back, teased by the barest touch of fingertips along his stomach.

The slightest involuntary movement made curious fingers still, resting lightly against the hollow at the side of his belly. He swallowed hard, his eyes closed to avoid looking at the man in front of him as he brought back the calm. He pushed away everything inside him that screamed to break the bonds that encircling his wrists, to jump up and take the man.

The leather felt warm against his wrists, still heated from the warm hands that had snapped them firmly on, the same hands Angel knew had been holding the restraints for a long, contemplative time before they were placed on him.

“Angel.” There wasn’t a warning to that tone, no inflection in it at all, but Angel could hear the ’don’t’ behind it. He never needed to be told don’t, nor told just what to do. He just knew. They both knew. Just as they both needed to do this.

Angel gasped. He didn’t need to breathe, but he still inhaled sharply as the fingers moved again. Taking their time as they traced across his chest, lazily moving over every inch of skin, mapping it out. Every touch warmed him, even though it lasted only a second, questing fingers touching every dip and hollow, every outline of muscle. He twitched, holding himself back from straining towards it, his body tense as he fought his own need to pull on the cuffs. Using everything he had to stop himself from losing control, from pushing himself into grabbing and taking and losing himself in it.

Angelus wouldn’t have had the restraint to hold himself back, he’d have lost himself in the passion instead. He would have finished the game long before now if he’d been given the chance, not having the patience to enjoy such things.

Angel did. He should’ve been one up against the demon for that, but being with this man meant sharing something with that part of himself. The part of himself that wasn't just Angelus anymore, not just his demon or alter-ego, but both of them. It brought them closer together and while Angel wasn’t about to go around playing with people, twisting them up, he and Angelus had something in common that they could appreciate together.

That they both wanted.

He has to fight to hold everything back though, especially when there were fingers on his face, cupping his cheek and running lightly over the ridges on his brow. Encouraging him, accepting everything Angel was.

Caught between sensations, the tickle that such a slight motion brought and the arousal that followed when they skimmed over, seeming to have no intent other than to explore, yet more arousing than if the hand was around his cock. And, oh damn, there were lips on his. Warm, moist and barely touching, so close that Angel could feel them even before they lightly pressed against his own. The kiss was just as tentative, lazily so, no tongue pressing between them to tease; just kisses to each and every part of his lips, making them tingle as Angel parted his own.

The heady flavor of blood filled his senses, the barest trickle against the side of his mouth overwhelming him as a warm tongue pressed lightly against his lips. The taste of his lover was always a welcome sensation, but a surprising one in games such as these, when he was kept on the edge of what was wanted and what was to be given.

The taste was as unique as the man whose teeth were at on his neck, worrying the skin lightly, pulling at it, making a hot flush burn right down to his cock. His hard length twitched against the fingers that rested against it, sweeping up the shaft. Damn the games, Angel wanted nothing more than to break the flimsy bonds that would fail to restrain him. To break the control that was held over him, bury himself in his lover’s tight body and sink his teeth into the man’s neck.

Sometimes he wished he could trust himself enough to completely let go, to enjoy the control held over him and revel in his own lack of it. To submit to the game, to the joint desire of himself and Angelus. Other times he saw it as a triumph to force it back; a way of proving the he wasn’t and never would be Angelus. The dogged hold to that barest bit of control, reassuring Angel thathe would never hurt his lover.

It took everything he had to force himself still. To deny the hum pulsing through his body, that had Angel’s fingers twitching as his cock did, clenching as his fingernails pressed harshly into his palms. The blood was richer now, less of a trickle as his lips were kissed more firmly. The only noise in the room Angel’s own ragged breath which overlaid the fast thump thump of a heartbeat that pulsed just underneath.

Then the warmth was gone, the taste of blood still lingering as Angel sucked at his own lips, desperate for more, and then those hands hovered over his cock, Angel sensing the heat from them before he felt the fingers teasing underneath his balls. Lightly stroking, pressing firmly to rub behind them and send shivers through him; Angel arched against the touch, feeling his cock throb as the fingers swept up it again. He could feel every callous, every rough edge of skin chafe his cock, before nails scraped lightly over the head pleasurepain sweeping through him; burning him from inside to out as his toes and fingers curled, body arching, the order “come” giving the sweetest release as he rode out his orgasm.

It took a long moment for Angel to regain his senses and open his eyes, seeking out his lover’s. He could smell his own release intermingling with his lover’s arousal as he met Xander’s steady gaze. There wasn’t any need for words, as Xander claimed his mouth once more, running a hand possessively over Angel’s body; leaving the vampire wanting more, leaning towards the kiss, before he broke it and stepped back, shrugging off his shirt and dropping it onto the neat pile which had been Angel‘s clothes.

The slight curve of Xander’s lips held more confidence than they had the first time they’d played this game, his lover growing in surety and imagination just as equally. Xander made no move to unbuckle the restraints to Angel‘s pleasure, instead he slowly piled the rest of his clothes on top of Angel’s, treating him to a view he would never grow tired of before moving closer and continuing the game with a kiss.

slash, fic, angel/xander, virtue, noandwhere, buffy/angel

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