FIC: Once burned 2/5

Aug 23, 2008 12:01

FIC: Once burned 2/5
Author: Ann
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing/character: Simon/Jayne chapter, Mal/Jayne side pairing.
Warnings: Sex, musing, games
Rating (This chapter): NC17

Sweet Charity fic for denyce, sorry it’s taking a while but I hope you enjoy it. Will be posted to this journal until complete, and then to archives and comms.

Summary: Simon unknowingly commits an infraction that could have severe repercussions for himself, and the crew.

Thanks to bookaddict43 and Lyn for the great betas. littlealex for the concrit and advice.#

Translations in mouse over. Previous chapter is here.

Jayne was half-inclined to start counting the days until they left Talos, and even more so to press Mal to hurry it along. Only the promise of money, a whole lot more coin than they’d seen in months, kept his mouth shut good and tight. Didn’t have anything to do with what would happen to the doc, what the whip-happy folks would do to him, if Jayne didn’t play along- ‘least that’s what Jayne had himself believing.

Shading his eyes from the bright light in his bunk, a scowl furrowing his brow, he silently counted the irritating noises as they came to his ears. Five, ten, twenty brushstrokes and then a pause, this one so long Jayne was tempted to take his arm away and see just what the hell was taking the doc so long. The quietly muffled sound of Simon spitting as he rinsed his mouth had Jayne relaxing, before the annoying brushing noise started up again.

Gorramn it. Ain’t like he’s not brushed those twice today already, can’t the man let hisself get a bit mussed?

Jayne snorted at the idea. He shouldn’t have expected the doc to slow down a bit just ‘cause they’d been bunking together, or get himself a lot less prissy. Wasn’’t like he wanted to see Simon mussed so much that he wasn’t him anymore, though, just enough so Simon was loosening up. ‘Cept the man was loosening up in other ways which were playing havoc with what little restraint Jayne had left.

If he thought they could get away with it, Jayne’d suggest Simon move back to his own bunk; at least that way he could get himself some uninterrupted, unburdened sleep.

Simon moved around too much, kept stealing Jayne’s blanket and pressing himself up against the man in a way that had Jayne always scooting and rolling over so he ended up back-to-back with Simon, however much Simon tossed and turned. First time they’d woken up together, he’d been spooned against Simon, cock pressed against the other man’s butt. It was something that shouldn’t have bothered Jayne so much, wouldn’t have bothered him so much if he hadn’t been thinking on Mal. The warm body pressed against him reminding him of times not so long past when the captain had come and shared his bunk. Simon had wriggled right at the wrong moment too, making all Jayne’s sense fly out the airlock and not giving his mind a moment to catch up.

He couldn’t recall ever groaning the captain’s name in such a manner before, in such a way that had Simon stiffening for entirely the wrong reason. Lying so damn still as he feigned sleep and gave Jayne selfish relief, and the opportunity to pull himself quick out of bed. That had put him in a fair foul mood all day, snapping at anyone who got too close, except Kaylee - he’d managed to bite his lip there, let her go on her way all cheery faced and smiling. Wasn’t a person in the ‘verse that could be mean to Kaylee.

Mal was different. Jayne had sulked, growled and wound the man up enough to give him a sore head and raging temper. Punishing Mal for going along with it all, with insisting Simon stay with him after they were lucky enough not to be caught out on an impromptu visit from the Mayor’s aid. Not that Jayne could believe that Mal wanted to push them to bunk together. Mal had to be reluctant about it, even if Jayne couldn’t see it, ‘less he was torturing them both. The captain knew gorramn well that Jayne had as much of a leaning towards Simon as he had towards Mal. Maybe torture for both us, know Mal leans that way too. Ain’t like he never told me so, or never called me Simon by mistake ‘afore.

Had to be the coin, made everyone crazy, an’ wasn’t like Mal had any other reasoning. Not like the captain hadn’t been stomping around ever since they started bunking. Jayne couldn’t wait to get the hell off the twisted up, pretentious world, get back to normality and get some play. Find someone that wasn’t a prissy, irritating Core boy or his equally aggravating, hún dàn of a captain. Find someone that stopped him thinking on them both, wanting them both, stubborn as they both were - probably too rutting much to share.

Simon was rinsing his mouth again, taking time to gargle too before he rinsed the bowl -and didn’t that just confuse Jayne, because it weren’t like Simon’s mouth wasn’t clean. Yet he ran the water for long enough, making Jayne wonder why Mal never had a hissy fit at the amount that kept being wasted. The water was running again now, sink filling up and Jayne was making a point of not looking at Simon. That was what the man wanted, he was sure on that; he didn’t even need to look, just felt Simon’s gaze on him for a long moment before the water stopped running.

He was being played with, Jayne knew that; and the thought made his lips tighten even as his cock hardened. He had to admit, with grudging respect, that Simon was doing a fine job of it; twisting the whole thing right ‘round on Jayne. ’Sides, Jayne wasn’t sure it wasn’t his own fault. His current situation anyhow, not the mess Simon had them in. Tied together all the time; sleeping together, eating, arguing…

No, Simon had done right by that on his own; acting like a clueless bèn dàn and messing around with one of the women. One of the unmarked women, Jayne corrected himself. Not that he, himself, had known or given a care about Talos’ creepy assed rules, ‘til the doc had broken one and got in all kinds of pì huà. That Jayne had got dragged to his rescue, by River was lucky; he’d wanted to ignore her but she’d got all strange and pleading, not her usual crazy self which was weirder than anything else. Still, Jayne was sure she’d used her fēng le brain or wiles on him, he couldn’t fathom another reason he’d have rushed off to help Simon. Or felt a touch of pity, along with the amusement, when he saw he man looking all shades of confused and clueless at the accusing folks who’d wanted more than just a small piece of him.

Lucky she did, wouldn’t want him all broke an’ bleedin’.

And weren’t that the truth; it wasn’t that Jayne minded the idea of Simon getting mussed, a bit bruised and bloodied, taken down for a time. It always was more fun jibing the doc when he was put over; it made Simon all dry and biting. Gave Jayne a thrill just to argue with the man like that, always had done. There was a ‘verse of difference though, between getting Simon roughed up and what those folks had planned to do. The punishment was a kind that Jayne wasn’t even sure he’d be able to walk right after, not with skin welted and flayed, and as surprisingly muscular and firm as Simon was, he wasn’t Jayne’s size. Didn’t have his tolerance for pain either. Jayne suspected, a man with manner and hands like that had to be soft.

Jayne didn’t want to see Simon all marked up, not like that anyhow; there were marks Jayne was happy to put on the doc, but he didn’t have a doubt that his way would be a lot more pleasant.

A cough drew his attention back to Simon, Jayne reacting as he moved his arm from his eyes. Tzao gao, he bit back the curse at his automatic movement. Though Simon wasn’t looking at him, Jayne knew he was seeing somehow, feeling Jayne’s eyes on him or something.

Shouldn’t have started this…

‘Cept he had, and it was proving hard to break the pattern. Seven nights, six times Simon had got one over on him. Just the one time, first time, that Jayne had made Simon blush. He’d smirked and watched the doctor, obvious in doing so, as Simon tried to be so rutting careful when he bathed. Washing and drying quick enough, taking no time over it, and forgoing the full-on body wash Jayne had enjoyed. The long drawn out wash Jayne had had while Simon had stirred restlessly, trying not to look up as he lay on the bed. Jayne had flustered the man then, had made every motion take an age longer than it should as Simon tried not to look.

It’d always been obvious both of them wanted each other, so much so Mal had taken it to himself to warn Jayne off Simon. ‘Cept that just made Jayne want Simon all the more, because he knew Mal didn’t want him touching; made for rough foreplay and hard rutting too when Mal caught him looking, caught him playing. Wasn’t like it was a hardship to keep flirting, keep giving the doc a hard time, the times when Simon bit back and played hisself made for interesting days. Jayne found it much easier to read Simon than it had been with Mal, hell, than it ever was to read Mal. The captain was confusing and frustrating with his ‘can‘t touch the crew, but I‘ll rut with you every now an’ then when it takes my fancy, then get all angsty and pissy about it later-’til the next time.

Man spends so much time runnin’, I’m surprised he ain’t tired of it.

He should’ve given in to Simon the first time, instead of pushing him, frustrating him. He’d already had Simon in his bed likely was that the doc had been hard too, wouldn’t have been too much of a burden to make the first move. Even if Jayne’s pride insisted Simon should, the first time at least. Seemed things were turned right ‘round now though, with Simon being all kinds of teasing and frustrating.

Jayne risked another glance at the man, eyes moving to the damp patches on his skin, following a few misbehaved water droplets that ran down Simon’s side before the man could catch them. Gorramn it, he wasn’t Mal; he couldn’t keep to his bunk and use thoughts instead of actions to get some sexing, and he wasn’t above appreciating the way Simon was playing him, even if the man drove him all kinds of crazy with it.

His eyes followed the droplets as they gathered on Simon’s stomach, slowed down by the toned muscle, collecting there until a whole lot more joined them to trickle down and dampen the fabric of Simon’s pants. Making them cling to the hardness which was Simon’s cock. If Jayne hadn’t already been hard, that would’ve made him so. Simon Tam, so turned on by thinking on Jayne, having him close and teasing him, that he was hard hisself.

That wasn’t something to turn away from, not unless Simon was putting it to good use and Jayne planned to be the one to fuck the doctor first, before he let him return the favor. He was going to make the doc groan and all but beg for it first though, drive Simon as crazy as the man had made him. Draw it out all night if the man had the energy to.

There was a slight curve to Simon’s lips, the doctor steadfastly ignoring him, refusing to catch his gaze even when Jayne looked right at him. When Jayne stopped playing games and saw Simon had won. At least it was a win of sorts. Jayne sat up and reached out
to hook fingers in the tight drawstring pants, tugging Simon towards him. He caught Simon off guard, the other man stumbling slightly to one side and losing enough balance for Jayne to grip at his arm and pull him down on the bed.

It wasn’t an easy tangle of limbs they went down in; Simon’s elbows and knees connected with Jayne’s body, pushing a grunt from him as bruises started to smart and form, hidden under the skin. Simon’s hands coming up to balance as he opened his mouth to suck in a breath and no doubt say something long and confusing that would get Jayne all edgy. So Jayne took advantage of the moment and cupped Simon’s jaw, catching sight of the man’s wide eyes before he pressed his lips firmly up and swept his tongue into the warm mouth.

This was it, what he wanted, what took the edge off his frustration and gave Jayne a rush of smug satisfaction when Simon kissed back, just as demanding and taking as he was. Weren’t nothing mild or prissy about Simon now, fact the man was just as eager if not more than Jayne, with hands wandering all over Jayne’s body like Jayne was when there was coin on offer. Was like Simon wanted to touch all and every part of him but wasn’t too sure what first.

Simon was clumsy; Jayne was surprised at that. Expected those hands to be as skilled in bed as they were when he was healing. Wasn’t a bad kind of clumsy, he decided, just eager; Simon too quickly moving over parts Jayne wanted him to be exploring, parts he wanted him to take his time over. But Simon was now keeping his hands firmly above waist level, his kisses more than making up for the uncertain fumbles. Lips and tongue as skilled at teasing as the doc was at speaking smartly, being all softly witty and dry.

There was too much space between them to Jayne’s mind, as he wound his legs around Simon‘s, pushing what slight balance the man had regained as he had knelt. They were pressed stomach to stomach - and didn’t that almost knock the wind from Jayne, making him pause in kissing Simon as he inhaled deeply. Still it was worth it to feel Simon’s length pressing firmly against his own, the clothes between them only adding to the friction, making heat rush through Jayne as he jerked his hips up, rubbing himself against Simon.

“Jayne, I-”

Jayne bit down lightly on Simon’s neck, drawing a groan from the man, glad he had silenced whatever the hell was about to be coming from Simon’s mouth because he knew rutting well that it wasn’t no, but didn’t put it past Simon to start talking all serious about things like Mal had done after every thrust. His hands moved over Simon’s back, feeling over the muscle there before they dipped lower to grasp Simon’s buttocks, to squeeze them - mayhap a touch too hard but Simon wasn’t complaining, was gasping all the more as Jayne rocked hard against him. Jayne shuddered, feeling sensations rushing through him as heat filled in his belly. A rutting good feeling that had Jayne ready to slow, wanting to draw out every motion as his mouth moved none-too-gently over Simon’s neck.

‘Til he felt warmth against his cock, Simon letting out a shuddering gasp that had Jayne stilling even as the doc tensed; too dumbstruck to make a comment or ask what was going on because he knew, could feel Simon softening somewhat against him. He half expected Simon to bury his head on his shoulder, look embarrassed or mutter something and roll off but the man surprised him by looking up, straight at Jayne, with a rueful smile on his lips.

Then Simon was opening his mouth and Jayne had no idea what he was about to say, whether he was about to make excuses or say something smart, but he didn’t care too much for whatever it was. All he cared for was Simon’s mouth back on his own, and Simon pressed to him. So he cut the man off right before he could say anything, pressing his lips firmly to Simon’s as his hands went to his pajama pants. Hell, Simon was wound up so tight all the time, shouldn’t have been such a surprise that he came so damn fast. It weren’t like the doc had had any play since he came aboard, and wasn’t too likely had had much beforehand, too tied up in his sister and book learning to let himself get some fun with anyone.

He could feel Simon’s cock twitching against his thigh, the man hesitantly tensing for a moment before he ground against Jayne, cock to cock, making Jayne bite back a groan of his own as he possessively claimed Simon’s lips. Forget all night, Jayne was gonna draw this out as long as the ‘verse damn well let him.

smut, denyce, jayne-centric, sweet charity, simon//jayne, mal/jayne, once burned, slash, firefly

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