Debauched (Buffy het fic: R-NC-17)

Oct 25, 2007 21:12

I've only written three out of the 11 Spike flavors, the rest are all half written or stuck on bits of paper around the room ><

Title: Debauched
Author/Artist: Ann
Fandom: Buffy
Pairing: William/Dru
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Joss owns, but it’s fun to play…
Summary: It was sweet and hot and oh-so-wrong at the same time.
Warnings: Dark and smutty

For the 28 Spike flavors fic, for the popping his cherry request.

It was sweet and hot and oh-so-wrong at the same time. William could barely keep his eyes open and firmly fixed on the woman atop him, the dark haired beauty who was the center of his world and now straddled him with a moan.

She’d held him off for so long, held his eagerness at bay, wanting him to pour his energies, frustration and passion into torture and pain. He’d started so slowly, so naïve and virginal-disappointing his princess and leaving her sat pouting amidst the blood spatters. The more she’d teased, the more she’d kissed his lips, caressed his body and made it sing to a tune only she and the stars could hear, the more vicious he’d become when she asked him to play-asked him to hunt- and withheld his pleasure, their mutual pleasure.

No longer William the bloody-awful-poet , who was wet as water and limp as leaves, but William the bloody who’d taken great pains and enjoyment ripping the bowels out of those who’d once ridiculed him. The man who’d put all thoughts of family and friends aside, even his own love Cecily who’d once made his heart pound and hands sweat. Embraced what Drusilla offered, drawn to her as if enthralled and unwilling to ever let her go. If his heart could beat, it would do so only for her.

“Let me taste.” He shivers at the sound of her voice, lips parting, mouth not filled with blood since they’d begun yet she’ll still taste it. Just as he’ll taste the lives she’s taken tonight. He can’t help the moan that passes between them as she clenches around him, sending a heat so foreign and dizzying straight through him that he gasps and she giggles. She sucks on his lower lip almost tenderly before biting down on it, letting them share the cool tangy blood that is William’s before she teases her tongue into his mouth , exploring and wiping away all traces of it.

“Good boy.” She nips at his ear now, her hands running over his chest twisting nipples till they harden and pain merges with pleasure making William squirm and arch up, thrusting into her. His hands clench at the ground, sticky mud catching at his fingers, reddened from the blood they’ve spilled. The blood they now consummate their devotion together in.

He keeps his gaze on hers, not as voyeuristic as she is, he reveles in the fear in the air, ignoring the muffled sobs and pleading looks. He’s not longer human, no longer turned off by the cruelties that would have once turned his stomach but he would rather keep his eyes on Drusilla, would rather she enjoy the terror emanating from their injured prey. He shudders, arousal rushing through him making him thrust all the harder to hear Drusilla cry out in pleasure as she leans forward grasping the girl by her long locks, tilting her head up so her long pale neck is exposed.

The girl’s no longer crying, no longer sobbing, quiet and lost in Drusilla’s eyes and whatever dances there that holds her attention, renders her spellbound and compliant. Drusilla’s humming now and taking William’s hand, curling it into a fist and holding it against her as the girl sways, falling like a virgin sacrifice against Drusilla’s chest. Marring his lover’s exquisite body as she cuddles against Dru’s breast. The human breathes easier now, ignoring the world around her, reassured by whatever Drusilla has done-whatever magic she’s woven. Whatever game they play.

William’s the one breathing harshly, not yet lost the human trait and feeling a shudder run through him. Arousal outweighing desire, close to the edge as Drusilla pushes his hand against herself holding it there for a moment before grinding. A cry coming to her lips, pushing back against William as he tries to thrust up more, feels her clenching around him making curses come to normally-gentile lips as he desperately forces himself to hold back, to let her ride out her pleasure this first time before he finds his. To be a good gentleman and let the lady scream first.

But just as William thinks he can hold on, Drusilla tangles fingers tighter in the girl’s hair and in one savage, brutal move tears her throat open. It’s beautiful, erotic and enough to send William over the edge. As the warm blood hits his chest and belly, he feels his a shudder through him and he groans his release. The scent of blood and arousal and satisfaction is in the air and it makes him heady for a moment, makes his eyes close as his chest heaves and body tremors.

“Bad William,” Drusilla’s voice is a satisfied purr, a thud barely registering to him before she leans forward and captures his lips in a bloody kiss. It’s sweet and so full of life and fear that William can’t help wanting more, can’t stop himself from reaching for her. The coolness around his wrists surprises him and he opens his eyes to see her leaning over him, dark eyes ablaze with manic passion and love as she chains both his arms whispering all the while.

“Time to make me happy, to make me scream, make you bleed.”

buffy, prompt fic, fic, william/dru

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