FIC: Surprises (Wash/Zoe, Wash/Simon, Wash/Zoe/Simon)

Jul 22, 2007 22:06

Title: Surprises
Author/Artist: Ann
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Wash/Zoe, Wash/Simon, Wash/Zoe/Simon
Summary: Sensations, unfamiliar and frightening in their intensity, assaulting and teasing at his body, bringing a headiness that only a few thoughts could break through.Need Zoe…Simon…need…

Warnings: slash and het, smutty bits, touch of angst, naked Wash...

Thanks to kitsunesan for betaing for me :)

Nari, your belated birthday present, sorry it took a while longer *hugs*


Mentally cursing his delayed awareness, Wash ducked down behind the small flower stall, peering through the stems as Mal and Zoe strode past, Jayne bringing up the rear, a scowl on his face that kept every seller from approaching the small group.

He should have guessed they’d be coming to market, Kaylee having mentioned to Mal that morning about finding someone reputable to get spare parts from. Or failing that, a general dumping ground where she could pick through the broken and well-used machinery to find the few shiny spoils she had some kind of homing beacon for.

Zoe won’t be pleased if she catches me sneaking around, not when I promised to stay at home.

Luckily, none of them even glanced his way and after a moment of waiting, of watching the brown-coat covered backs disappear around a corner, Wash stood up. Running fingers through his hair, he shook his head at the proffered flowers, never seeing the point in giving cuttings that he hadn‘t found himself. Flowers wilted in a week and water wasn’t always so available they’d want to spend it on dying plants, however romantic a gesture they were. The only time he’d ever given them to Zoe was when they’d found that special kind of fun off-ship, spontaneous at the time and bringing back really fine memories that had Wash flushing lightly, heat curling in his belly at the thought of Zoe, naked and grinning lazily up at him from the lush grass.

It was their luck that the grass was so green, forest so well-kept for a reason. He remembered racing half-naked through the trees, his and Zoe’s laughs merging at the roars of fury from behind them. Both barefoot and Wash with his buttocks hanging out as they managed to lose the disgruntled Core folk who’d anticipated a day of hunting and sparring, not one of sightseeing.

Been a while since we’ve had a day like that. Freedom and just enjoying each other, pleasure for its own sake, enjoying the rush of excitement that came with the possibility of being caught, not to mention the unrivalled rush when they actually were. Lately it was either all about the calm, about the sedate, or sometimes it was the desperate intimate moments with both of them clashing together, furiously reassuring couplings that left them both with bruises and aches for days to come. But feeling alive…

Ever since Book’s murder and the massacre at Haven, Zoe had been on edge, almost possessive in her need to protect him. Guarding him all the more closely, though she kept her protective eyes on the rest of the crew too, keeping them safe and pulled tightly too, much in the way Mal did; probably the exact same way they’d operated during the War.

Risking all to tell the ’verse about Miranda, nearly loosing various appendages in the process, and Wash nearly being skewered and becoming Reaver meat had made her all the worse. Not that Wash didn’t thank everything and anything profusely for fate looking his way that day. For his seat protesting the rough landing at Mr. Universe’s world. Flinging him face first against his console, making him curse vehemently as he slumped over it feeling blood run down his temple, the heat of friction skimming his back and the thud of the Reaver weapon changing the curses to a hushed silence as Zoe gripped at him, working with Mal to pull him out from under it.

Wash shuddered, still feeling the same chill that had settled in his stomach, remembering blood pounding in his ears as he’d struggled to roll out from the weight pinning him down.

“Maybe for a lovely lady friend?” The flower seller’s question pushed into the memory, pulled him out from one that made Wash often jolt awake gasping.

“No, thank you.” He shook his head, ignoring the practised pout and ducking down once more as he spotted another familiar figure walking his way. The no longer so stiff doctor, no longer clad in fancy pants and a vest- choosing instead a less formal dress code that had Wash both approving and slightly disappointed. Doctor had a fine enough body not to hide it under the baggy sweater he now wore, especially since it was long enough to cover buttocks which used to be clad in tighter pants and Wash had given more than one appreciative glance. Or leer. Besides, the patterned vests had added some cheer to the usual sombre tones of grey, brown and tan that everyone wore. Wash found himself half tempted to offer up some of his own wardrobe to add a mix. Good thing that River and Kaylee often wore a bright color or pastel, especially with Inara gone now. Wash liked the brightness, liked having his attention drawn to something.

Much as it was now. Seeing Simon stride through the market, not realising just how much of a tease he was being by throwing smiles this way and that, politely declining sales and even laughing lightly at one moment, making Wash wriggle himself to adjust his trousers. Watching Simon’s face light up, the man less burdened now, though he still held an air of caution that made Wash grin, erotic images of Simon coming to mind now. Lying on long grass, same smile on his face as he worked his vest slowly undone, Wash’s grin only widening as he imagined himself growing impatient and pinning the doctor down, hands firmly working over buttons and discarding the vest.

“Maybe for a lovely gentleman?” Flowers once again pushed into his face and Wash bit back a groan, eyeing the woman balefully for a moment as the fantasy was abruptly ruined. “Or don’t you want him knowing your interest?” The woman’s expression was cunning now, smile on her lips as she made a big deal of looking down at Wash, crossing her arms and raising her voice.

He sighed, hand moving to his pocket. Hoping he had enough left over, he thrust the money at the woman and grasped the half-dead blooms before moving after Simon, the doctor not even realizing he was being followed as he accidentally walked in the same direction that Wash was heading to.

This was the second time Wash had made this trip, the first on landing a week ago when they’d been parked on the small moon, but today was the day to collect.

Zoe’s going to kill me. At least she would, once she found out what Wash had planned.


Heat rushed through Wash, a shudder making his hands clench, groan coming to his lips as he arched his back. The ache ran through him, deep inside his body as it called out where he didn’t, Wash feeling a shiver that had him gasping, eyes closing for a moment at the sensations running through his body. Unfamiliar and frightening in their intensity, assaulting and teasing at his body, bringing a headiness that only a few thoughts could break through.

Need Zoe…Simon…need…

He swallowed hard, opening his eyes and rubbing at them furiously, feeling the sting of sweat as the heat gripped him once more. He wasn’t sure what he was doing or even how he managed to do it, forcing his body to move when it wanted to merely react and fold under the assault. Each step was an effort as he gripped the cool metal of Serenity, not hearing the buzz around him, the shouted words muffled by the pounding in his head. Groaning in relief as he was pulled against a hard chest, legs shaky and uncooperative as he sagged against it aiding the process, Wash clung as tightly as he could, eyes closing at the roaring around him.

Completely missing the calls from around him, the demands to ’find Simon’ and Jayne’s yelp of disgust.

“Gorramnit, he’s droolin’ on me!”


“Fever needs to be brought down.”

Half asleep, Wash stared around blearily, vision coming into focus, but only for a moment. Everyone was crowded around his bed, concern on most of their faces, Kaylee looking close to tears as she leant on River. Wash wanted to peer at each and watch the emotion play across their faces. Even hidden behind neutrality or a sneer he fancied himself as the Reader, that maybe he could be the one to see what lurked inside.

But he couldn’t keep his eyes open and they shut of their own accord. Wash just couldn’t fight the exhaustion, could just about stave off sleep even though his eyes wouldn’t cooperate. But even without seeing, he could hear what was going on around him.

Mal sounded too neutral not to be angry, that quiet edge that had Wash aware the Captain was close to furious, and worried. Perversely enough this pleased him, though Kaylee’s muffled “God, he ain’t gonna die is he?” sobered him quickly, making Wash struggle to open his eyes, to move even slightly and reassure her. He managed to a less-than-graceful motion, flailing instead as hands pinned him to the table, large and heavy hands, rough with calluses- Jayne’s hands.

“He ain’t gonna die.” Zoe spoke flatly and Wash just knew that she was giving Simon that look.

“He needs rest and we need to get his fever down.” Simon sounded firm, in agreement with Zoe about staying but not willing to give promise and false hope, just his best. Much as Wash knew Simon was often overwhelmed by Zoe, he was imagining them face to face, toe to toe, neither one breaking their gaze.

“Any medicines that can help with it? Bukate’s fever ain’t this unpleasant normally. Looks like he’s in pain with all that grimacing‘.”

Grimacing? Wash didn’t feel like he was grimacing, didn’t feel any pain thanks to Simon’s fancy drugs, just the floaty sensation that tried to lull him under.

“No, it just needs to run its course. It’s worse in adults unfortunately. Thankfully this kind of infection, although highly contagious, results in immunity for life and since you, Zoe, Jayne and Book have already been exposed, you’re all immune.”

“But you ain’t, right doc?”

Wash could just picture Simon squirming under that gaze. Blushing no doubt. But much as Simon blushed and squirmed to his delight in fantasy, he had yet to see the doctor do it in reality.

“No. It’s mainly Rim worlds that have epidemics of the fever. River and I were never exposed, nor Kaylee.”

“Musta missed me.” Kaylee spoke tentatively, sounding both hopeful and uncertain at the same time.

Which means I could infect them…

Wash swallowed, guilt catching at his belly at the concept. He didn’t want to pass this on to anyone, to share it around the crew as the more harmless and annoying bugs got done.

“So Kaylee and River had better leave. I would suggest quarantining them as a precaution, but I’m not sure where would be appropriate.”

The harsh sound of a throat clearing made Wash wince, though the noise itself wasn’t normally so aggravating. “Why can’t we just dump him off the nearest hospital, save him makin’ us all sick and pasty lookin’?” The speaker normally was aggravating though and now was no exception, Wash feeling indignation at the idea of being dumped anywhere.

“You’re immune, Jayne-”

“An’ we’re not dumping him anywhere.” The tone of Zoe’s voice, her expression undoubtedly as unyielding, had Wash mentally crowing.

Take that, Jayne!

“If I might interrupt, I do believe I have a solution- at least in part for River and Kaylee. “ Book always paused before imparting some wisdom or another, and Wash was sure everyone else was straining to listen as much as he was. “We do have a shuttle with its own water supply and oxygen. Since this infection is usually airborne we can only hope they haven’t been exposed yet and-”

“Kaylee, get yourself and River down there now.” Mal’s authoritative tone cut into Book’s sentence, impressing Wash when he heard a lack of protest from either of the women, just River’s soft comment before two sets of footsteps pattered down the corridor.

“Simon’s not had the fever.”

That made Wash pause, made every part of him force tiredness aside to wait for a response in the new silence, the half-formed wonder why River had just left the brother she cared for so much, rather than protest.

“That’s true enough. Best be gettin’ yourself there too, Simon.” Mal’s voice brooked no argument, though Wash was sure (and didn’t need long to confirm his surety) that Simon would refuse. Before Zoe had a chance to protest.

“No, you need me here to watch Wash. If his temperature spikes or he convulses you’d only have to fetch me anyway.” Wash could taste the tension in the air, visualising Mal’s ‘would you just stop trying me, boy’ face. The expression he got as much as he did resignation, when guessing Simon was probably right.

“Besides, Doc’s pretty much been all over Wash since he got called in. Likely is that he’s got it already, sir.”

“Still not sure I like the idea; maybe should keep Simon in the other shuttle or something such. Not sure it sits well to have a medic takin’ care of one of mine, when he might just fall down hisself.”

Mal had a point, though Wash didn’t like it. On the one hand, Zoe and Simon were in agreement and all for working together, which he would have been more gleeful about if he didn’t feel like a small planet had just hit him. On the other, the fever and disorientation had Wash unable to speak, and he wasn’t so keen on Simon injecting him and messing around when he could well be ill himself.

“I’m fine, I can up the dose of antivirals I injected myself with earlier. That should give me a few extra days to get Wash’s illness under control.” Simon sounded so sure of himself, Wash felt like nodding along to his words, guessing that passion and determination were equally shown on the doctor’s face.

“Takes four days to come out, sir. He’s fine right now, an’ that’s what counts.” Wash hoped Simon didn’t interpret that as Zoe beinghappy for him to doctor and that was all, that she wasn’t concerned if Simon dropped down right after so long as he did his job. Knowing his wife as he did, he could hear the undercurrent in her voice, the hidden edge. She was concerned about Simon too, but whilst he could help Wash, more was the better.

“I’m still sayin’ he shouldn’t be here, an’ we shouldn’t all be leanin’ in. Could all be lookin’ as gruesome come morning.”

It was on the tip of Wash’s tongue to say something, highly offended by Jayne’s description. It wasn’t a stretch to be accepting that he probably didn’t look too shuài right at that moment, which was a shame in front of both Zoe and Simon, not that his wife at least hadn’t seen him looking worse for wear before, but he took exception to the word ‘gruesome’.

“Immune Jayne, look it up! If you spent less time leering at smut on the cortex, perhaps you wouldn’t need to.”

Wash felt his lips actually curve in a smile at that, though only for a moment, the energy needed to do so far too much to keep it up. It made a change to hear someone other than Mal speaking back at Jayne.

“Lissen here, you-”

But Wash wasn’t listening, not anymore. Instead he slipped quietly into sleep, the bluster around him fading as his body fought the virus.


It could have been hours later that he awoke. Wash wasn’t sure exactly how much time had passed, though it was certainly more than minutes. He was hot, burning in fact, a whimper leaving his throat as something blessedly cool ran over his chest. Willing his eyes to open even as his head lolled to rest upon a broad shoulder, Wash could feel more hands than just the one pair, than just his wife’s, supporting him.

Managing to crack open one eye, he peered around as best he could, vision taking a moment to reassert itself. If I wasn’t so sick, this could have been embarrassing.

Simon’s hands were wiping the sponge over his chest, Zoe’s slim fingers cupping at the water Wash lay in to trickle it over his chest and belly, the two working in tandem as they attempted to cool him down, to get his fever breaking. Wash was mildly surprised. Zoe often showed a possessive side, especially of late; that she let the young doctor run his hands over Wash meant that she was thawing slightly, moving away from the attitude Miranda had left in her.

Or it could just have just been Simon himself, insisting that she had his help. Wash couldn’t forget the doctor’s stubbornness when it came to his dedication.

He couldn’t hear what they were saying; it felt like he was swimming underwater, their voices were muffled in his muggy mind so much. But still he strained, watched the expressions on their faces, the way they spoke to each other, not snapping or biting, that much was obvious. Wash just wished he could hear them.

He must have mumbled something, because Zoe was looking at him now, saying something he couldn’t make out, though he could feel her fingers gently stroking the back of his neck and could imagine both fondness and exasperation in her tone. Simon was mouthing something too, but Wash couldn’t focus on that anymore than he could keep his eyes open. Once again he slipped into sleep, unaware that he had woken many times before, yet it was only this time he had been semi-aware of it.


Coolness was the first thing Wash became truly aware of. The ability to breath and move without feeling muggy-headed and dizzy. The quiet was nice in a way, kept his head from hurting again when he still felt a touch fragile, but Wash coughed into the silence, had to reassure himself that he could hear again.

“Ah, so you’re awake.” Zoe’s voice was right by his ear and Wash decided against feigning sleep, opening his eyes to stare up at her as she loomed over the medibed.

“Bao bei, I-” The words were rough and raspy, and interrupted quickly.

“Don’t you be charmin’ me, Hoban.” She was serious enough, though there was the faintest curve to her lips.

Wash shifted, pushing himself to sitting, surprised that the weak feeling was almost gone, that his throat was no longer thick, head cleared and only tiredness remaining. He felt close enough to himself again to offer her a slight smile. “Sorry.”

“Should think so too.” Zoe folded her arms, shaking her head. “What were you thinking, husband?”

Wash blushed, ducking his head slightly. “It was meant to be a surprise, for our anniversary. After everything that’s happened I figured we could use some excitement.”

“I think enough surprises have been had round here.” Zoe was smiling fully now, shifting into his embrace as he spread his legs, letting her settle between them. “Don’t you go exciting me in that manner again, alright?”

Wash sighed, lightly kissing at her lips as she tilted her head towards him. “I promise.” His frown faded, replaced by a pout as he realized just what he was no longer holding, what he couldn’t even remember carrying up Serenity’s ramp. “Zāo gāo!”

His curse didn’t startle Zoe, though she raised an eyebrow at him, prompting Wash to add, with a groan, “Your present. I must have dropped it on the way back. I’m sorry, it was…it would have been…” He sighed. “You would have loved it.”

Zoe didn’t lose her smile, just entwined her fingers with Wash’s and lay back against him. “Oh, I like the presents well enough.” Wash must have thrown her a searching look because she added, “Like my man at my side, all healed up and-” She paused as Simon stumbled into the room, “liking the idea of picking up where we left off. Doc seems game enough.”

It was then Wash noticed the slight swelling to Zoe’s lips, the way she kept on licking them like she was tasting something fine and his eyes widened, suddenly lost for words as he looked from her to Simon, who looked every inch guilty. Zoe and Simon?

He wasn’t sure he believed it, looked from Simon’s pale face to Zoe who was smiling slightly, eye on him as she nodded slightly, her expression seeming to say, ‘It’s all right, it’s as we wanted, as we planned. Before Miranda, before they found out how dangerous River had the potential of being. Back when Kaylee still mooned over Simon, before turning her persuasions elsewhere. Wouldn’t have ever dreamed of doing more than just talking, if they hadn’t given up on each other. When River leant so heavily on Simon and Simon pulled her against him when she tried to stand, the siblings clinging to each other for many a reason. Before Miranda, before River became more lucid and able.

Wash honestly wasn’t sure if he was feeling annoyed that Simon had taken liberties with his wife, jealous at Zoe for going there first, or wanting to curse the ‘verse that he hadn’t been there- hadn’t been conscious enough- to see. It was probably a little of all three.

“Us and…Simon?” He needed the conformation.

Zoe nodded, patting his thighs as he released her, making her way to the doctor as Wash got to his feet. She squeezed Simon’s arm and it was then Wash noticed him sway slightly, saw the pallor in his face and tiredness around his eyes.

“He sick?”

“Yup.” Zoe patted Simon on the backside, the doctor not protesting, just stumbling forward to be caught in Wash’s grip. A grip that still wasn’t up to full strength as Wash sagged against the bed, propping Simon up.

“Been a week you’ve been out. He lasted more than four days.”

Four days. It should mean something and Wash was trying to remember what as he held Simon against him, the doctor’s head resting on his neck, suddenly making Wash remember Jayne’s muffled curse from earlier as he felt dampness there. Incubation periods… He could hear Simon’s words repeating in his mind as he looked to Zoe. The antiviral drugs had to have given up; he could feel the doctor’s hot forehead against his neck as the man nuzzled against him, murmuring gibberish.

“Looks like Simon’s in need of doctoring.” Zoe smiled, amusement obvious. She tossed Wash a familiar sponge, bring a chuckle to his throat and a look of intrigue to his face as he looked down at the doctor cuddling against him.


Hwai (shit)

Zāo gāo (damn it)

wash/zoe/simon, fic, wash/simon, birthday fic, firefly

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