Ficlet: A quiet night in (Spike/Xander/Angel-btvs/ats)

Jun 10, 2007 21:51

Title: A quiet night in 1/1
Author: Ann
Summary: He’d fallen for it the first time, then got close to insanely jealous when the two had rolled in just before sunrise, stinking of booze, smoke and sex.
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Spike, Xander, Angel
Warning: Smut with a plot.

For woman_of_, hope you feel better hon

If there was one vampire who, in Xander’s mind, could overtake Angel as the ‘most annoying of all time’ it was Spike.

Xander groaned, leaning back against the table, closing his eyes for a moment as he let himself wonder just where the vampire had strolled off to and just what he would say when he came back, what he would do. He’d already done enough in Xander’s mind, having invited them both up to the Hyperion for a month long vacation that was quickly becoming two. Even if Angel wasn’t as tense and broody around them as before, shaking off Sunnydale obviously agreeing with the Vampire.

Still, after the first two weeks of madly seeing LA’s sights and spending almost all their money, Xander had expected things to calm down, had looked forward to them doing so and spending some time with Spike. Since they’d gone way past the civil truce stage, bypassed friendship and dived headfirst into flirting, groping and sniping, he’d seen the chance away as time to really enjoy with Spike.

Really enjoy Spike.

Except things weren’t working out that way and any hopes that Xander had had of just even one quiet night in, or even one noisy one, were dashed when Spike started playing his games.

”Sorry pet, promised Angel I’d go with him tonight, vamp-stuff you know.

He’d fallen for it the first time, then got close to insanely jealous when the two had rolled in just before sunrise, stinking of booze, smoke and sex. He’d sulked for almost a whole day, steadfastly snarked at Angel and stomped around until Spike had dragged his arse out for the night-using Angel’s money of course.

Then it had been Xander and Spike’s turn to come in all hot and bothered, not as sated as Xander would have liked though. Spike refused to let his first time be in the back of some alley. He had some odd code about him, blowjobs, handjobs, rimming was all fine out in public but when Spike took him fully, the vampire had assured him he’d need the mattress underneath him-anything harder and he’d be concerned about hurting Xander.

That particular morning he’d tossed Angel a satisfied smirk, ignoring the vampire’s growl as Angel looked each of them over and stormed out to be all broody. But then came the evening again and this time it was Angel all triumphant, dropping not-so-subtle hints and references, baiting Xander as much as he dared without cluing his team in on what exactly was going on.

And so it had continued, for over three weeks now and counting, Spike had been playing a constant game of tag between Xander and Angel. To Xander he’d given teasing touches when they were alone or when he thought no one was looking, speaking with lips so close to Xander’s ear that the man had shuddered in the middle of a research session and drawn all attention his way, even had Xander so close to begging by making him wear a butt plug- ”just to start loosening you up a tad, Xan”- and then groping his butt in front of Angel.

That was ignoring just how much Spike had teased Angel in front of him, sly and obvious touches and plays on words, damn near biting him in front of Xander, making the human race for his room at the arousing picture the two painted- raw and naked desire flowing between then. Xander could honestly say and admit now, that it wasn’t the first time he’d felt that way watching. Only playing at unwilling, annoyed voyeur. Unsure just who he was jealous of and just where he wanted to be.

To his shame, it had taken Xander almost that whole time to work out just what Spike was doing, to stop crowing at Angel and then baiting him. In that time Angel had worked it out, approached Xander just as the man was getting clued in.

It hadn’t taken much to put aside their differences or rather their one glaring similarity-that they both wanted Spike- and formulate a plan. One that wasn’t so much necessarily revenge as it was teaching Spike a lesson.

Although, I couldn’t say I cared much about either of those when Angel suggested the plan. he thought. It had been a good plan too, just needed a few amendments and adjustments, Xander not feeling the shame in admitting how he’d felt watching, knowing he didn’t really need to since Angel had a better nose than a bloodhound.

Xander gasped, eyes flying open as blunt teeth grazed his belly, clothes having been stripped from his body quickly as he just languished in the kisses reigned on his body and his own musings. It was when a cool tongue flicked over him that the groan flew from his lips. Angel’s tongue, seemed to bathe every inch of his cock, sending shudders through Xander that had him gripping the table as he lent back, trying not to thrust forward before Angel’s mouth encircled his hard cock, deep throated him so far that Xander’s eyes were rolling back in his head, getting lost in the sensation.

He made a noise of protest as Angel pulled back, his damp and neglected cock twitching as he thrust forward, ignoring Angel’s words though he caught enough to center himself, “Spike” and “ready”, to ride out the gasps. His breath hitching as Angel spun him around, palms pressed flat on the table, bent over as the vampire’s tongue mercilessly teasing him. Making his whole body sing with sensation as he shuddered.

“Just what the bloody fuck is this?” Spike’s roar was just enough warning, for Xander to resist the groan as Angel pulled away, or was forcibly thrown away from him.

“Spike?” He tried to sound innocent, tried to sound surprised like this was totally unexpected and not just slightly so because he’d got carried away with Angel.

“Too damn right!”

Xander wasn’t expecting the growl so close to his ear, or that he would be twisted around and come eye-to-eye with a severely pissed off vampire in full game face. The last thing in the world he anticipated happening, was the surge of frustration that overwhelmed him as he glanced from Spike to an annoyed-looking Angel.

So he can tease us, but not the other way around-so not happening.

“What’s wrong Spike? Don’t like to share?”

The words had scarcely left his mouth when Spike’s lips were on his, kissing hard and pushing his tongue between Xander’s willingly parted lips. He completely missed the impressed look on Angel’s face as the older vampire got to his feet, too lost in Spike’s assault on his mouth, on the body grinding punishingly against his own.

He felt, rather then heard, Spike groan into his mouth as Angel’s hands moved over him, opened his eyes for one moment to catch Angel’s gaze, to see brown eyes full of lust bore into his own before Angel lowered his head to kiss at Spike’s neck.

The unspoken look between them made Xander shiver, made him deepen the kiss as his hands stole around to touch at both Angel and Spike’s bodies, the last thought on his mind-I wonder if we make it to the bed?- lost as Angel tumbled them all to the floor.

buffy, fic, spike/xander/angel

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