Waxing nonsensical

Mar 13, 2006 17:32

I don't know that it's such a good thing to read over former journal entries as a method of procrastination. It can have any number of effects on the brain and none of these are conducive to strong working habits. Halfway, okay let's be honest, one sixteenth of the way through my ten thousand page dissertation on Irish fiddle for classical snobs, I decided to take a browse. It's online, I was online... what a coincidence!
An hour later I'd forgotten all about ornamentation and pretentious idiots and was going through one of the largest self-indulgent freak-outs I've had in months.

Okay weeks. But still.

One should never take such an intimate and close look at one's life unless one has multiple boxes of Kleenex Lotion tissue on hand.
I'm better now. Really. Maybe I needed that terrifying glimpse into the past to go on in my future. Like a re-awakening. It's not that I'd really forgotten, more that I attempted to put it all behind me. By shoving it all into the farthest part of my mind and covered it with a tonne of concrete. With a layer of dirt overtop on which to plant a happy little garden of Gerber daisies. They were so pretty before I decided to uproot them. So what if it wasn't exactly healthy?

Yet through this wreck of a day (I've reckoned it's entirely wasted now as the only cure for this foray of madness is a beer or five) I have grown. And will continue to grow after the night is over and I indulge again with my stomach.

However, life isn't all buried memories. There are lighter moments. I dragged a few people to this past weekend's Celtic Carnival. And despite being the youngest people there by ten years, I think we all had a good time. Especially the mace flourishing finals. How did I miss out on that spectauclar event all those years living in Ireland? Then again, it was more of a Scotch event than anything. Aside from a bland dance routing there wasn't a whiff of Irish about the place. But it was fun and we all managed to forget our stress for an afternoon. Seriously, I want to learn how to twirl a deadly weapon like that!

And due to a recent "fiscal dip" I've started working part-time in the museum cafe. I know, I know. I'm a terrible waitress and I promised years ago to do the world a favour and never try it again. But I had fun during my one shift so far. Granted I only had one table the whole four hours but the two women seemed more than happy with my service. Even if I did dribble a little coffee on the brunette's shoe. They smiled when they left. That's an improvement. :-P

Now, enough chatter, off to the brewery I must tread.
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