May 12, 2006 18:21
1. I need glasses. Just reading glasses, by glasses nonetheless. I've probably needed them for a long time now but I blamed it on being over-worked. Spending too much time on the computer, too much time deciphering student's handwriting, too much time wrangling with Bartok and his nonsensical notation. But seriously. Isn't eyesight the first thing to go?
2. I have wrinkles. Davin made fun of me when I told him this but it's true. And I'm not talking laugh-lines, those I don't mind. I'm getting fine lines on my forehead. I don't know whether to blame age or my doctoral program. Either way... Gaaah!
3. I don't understand current popular music. Turned on the radio yesterday and it all sounded too loud, too obnoxious, and too stupid. In a word, pointless. I'm becomming my parents. Anything written after 2001 just seems so... bad. I'm old.
4. I've started taking vitamins. My grandparents take vitamins. And I actually think about my health, anti-oxidants and all that jazz. I won't go all day on nothing but an energy bar. Or have a cookie for breakfast. I can't even remember the last time I ate pizza. Double Gaaaaah!
5. I sleep. That's right. Actual sleep. For more than five hours a night, every night. And I take naps if I don't get at least seven.
6. I no longer follow or understand current trends. I can't remember the last fashion magazine I read. I'm probably at least two years behind.
7. Worst of all... I've written a budget.
How did this all happen? I thought I still had time!