+Easy as long as you know your way around PSP.
1. Get a texture. I used this one by
77words Duplicate it and set it to screen/dodge.
2.Now get a picture , crop, sharpen and all that jazz...darker pics won't work as well. So, if it's dark, use some screen layers and merge them down into the background)
3. Paste your picture as a new layer. Use the magic wand and the eraser tool to get rid of the background.
So it looks like this now:
Don't worry if you're you still have some white pixels or whatever around your picture. We can solve that later.
4. Now use the freehand selection tool (click on the arrow right under the selection tool, one of the choices should be Freehand Selection).
5. Start at the bottom left (you can start anywhere you want) and try to get as close as you can to the pic as possible. Go around the whole pic and once you reach the point you started at, right click. Now, the pic should look like this:
6. Go to Edit-> Cut. OH NOES THE PIC IS GONE. Haha, no it's not. Just breathe and it'll be alright ;P Go to Selections.> Modify->Expand
And you should get this window... For number of pixels, I entered 3, but you can always make it thinner/thicker by changing the number.
So, press ok.
Make a new layer.
Use the flood fill tool (with a color of your choice, I chose white) and fill the new layer.
Not so pretty right? So take a white paintbrush and go over the little parts you missed. Now, mine's looks like this:
**I added a drop shadow to make the outline look nicer. Effects->3d effects-> drop shadow
Press okay, and now you can finally paste the pic you cut as a new selection. Edit=>Paste=>Paste as new selection. You can arrange your pic however you want within the outline. Once you do that, promote the selection to a layer and you're done!
+If you have any questions, please ask! I wrote this tutorial for people who have a grasp for all of the tools in PSP and where they are.
+Comments make me feel giddy inside.
+More icons/headers coming soon. I'm telling you, it's so addicting.