Oct 10, 2006 14:33
Blast you life and the crazy you throw at me!
Woah nelly it's been a busy time. I'm working 20 hours a week plus a full load in school equals negative funtime! All complaining aside, it really is difficult to hold together a social life when work, school, and schoolwork occupy much of my day-to-day doings. Add in group meetings and surprise midterms (explained later) and you have yourself a busy Leah!
But because I am awesome, I have found a way to sneak in some good times =D
Last friday I went to the Reel Big Fish concert with my roomie Ellie and we had a fabulous time. I got to go because her boyfriend had to be out of town...and I snagged his ticket! We showed up early for the waiting-in-line game, met some chatty boys and built up our anticipation. When they finally started letting people in it was still almost an hour til showtime so I talked with Amy, my old RA who was frisking people at the door, and Ryan whom I have class with. Saw a bunch of people I know as they were going in, doled out hugs and high fives with wild abandon.
Ellie saved me a spot up front, and boy was I glad she did! The Matches opened and were fairly entertaining. Cute boys are one way to hold my interest, but give them an instrument and some talent and I'm happy as a pig in poo! Ellie got a pick out of their show and I got a set list, but gave it to Shawn who we had met in line. I wasn't terribly interested in a piece of paper with a song list on it...that's not a souvenier to me, but it sure made his night!
Reel Big Fish put on quite a show. I cant say I've really paid much attention to their music before, but it was fun anyways! They opened with a song I knew and it just kept getting better from there. We were parked right in front of the blonde trumpet player and the trombone player, who kept up a great act with eachother throughout the show. My favorite part was how responsive to the audience they were.
*Winner for Excellent Experience of the Evening*
About halfway through the concert I caught BlondeTrumpet's eye and mimed the words "Pick for me?" He grins, looks down at his trumpet and back at me. Well, that would have been enough for me, but then he did the sweetest thing; he goes backstage and grabs one of the extra picks they keep around for when the guitarist (presumably) throws them to the audience. He sticks it to his forehead, where it stays for a bit because he's all hot and schwetty, and then when it fell off walked upstage and threw it right to me. I caught it and he said "she caught it!" and pointed me out to Trombonist. I blew him kisses for that little stunt, and THEN he caught them and put them in his pocket. What a guy! He knows how to win a crowd =D
I also walked away from that concert with one of the drummers' sticks. As the band was walking offstage I noticed him coming around with his gear and nobody was putting their hands out to him. Not one to pass up an opportunity like that, I throw out my hand, he sees me, and tosses me a stick. Woot! I ended up trading Ellie my drumstick for her The Matches pick...same story, what do I want a drumstick for...and now I can make concert earrings with the picks! Yay for fun!
On Sunday I also had the time of my life when I learned about a Chico local having an art show at her home. This woman works with stained glass in a way I've never seen: breathtaking! Her mosaics stand over 6 feet high and are...words fail me...she is amazing. Turns out I know her husband through the Miller's who I babysit for. That was even cooler because after the ice broke I hung around talking for a while. She even *squee* asked for my name & number *squeeee* just in case she ever decided to expand. *squeeeeeeeee!!* "No Promises" she said...but hell if it didn't make my day just hearing it! I tell ya, just looking at her work made me want to go home and start cutting right away! *sigh* Too bad I need to buy glass first! :P
So that surprise midterm? Here's my rant. We know it's coming, we just dont know what to expect. Monday is review day, and Wednesday is midterm day right? Yeah...right. (This is my MW eve class, 5:30-6:45) So on Monday we are expecting to talk over what's going to be on the test; Professor comes in with "since the materiel we've covered isnt really conducive to a multiple choice test, instead I'm going to have you write me some essays instead" You heard right: essays! She gave us two essay questions, and told us to write her two three-page essays, due by end-of-class wednesday. Class got out early that day...around 6. So, if we do the math correctly, that gave us *just* over 48 hours to write those essays. Now in no way am I saying it's impossible, but damn if it isn't inconvenient! I basically had to shunt everything on my to-do list over to make room for these essays, including writing a speech due to be given that friday. Lemme tell ya, nothing is worse than a professor who thinks that their class is your only class. Grrr...
On a slightly lighter note, Col. Squirrely McFloofster lost his testicles yesterday. I'm told that when he arrived home he spent 10 minutes just looking at his junk...wondering where they went. He did get to go on kitten-drugs, but John made the point that he didn't think it was a fair trade. Hehe...he's recovering just fine and hasnt stopped loving us, or cuddling with us...which, all things considered, is the most important.
And now I will go back to working hard...or hardly working