Exactly what it says on the tin, folks. Here's just a mini-timeline of significant historical events in the life of Teuton/Prussia/East Germany (can you see why I use her human name throughout this, she's quite the goddamn name hopper). I've had this for myself for a while to try and keep straight with history, but I've decided to share it with all of you out of the goodness of my heart. And to make some more history-related things clear that have come up in the course of RPing her. It should be noted that this is just a rough timeline, comprised mostly of my google-fu skills so really just use this to know where she's coming from as a character not to learn anything significant. And please let me know if you spot a mistake of course, I am far far far far far from on expert on any of this.
600- Pope Gregory I commissioned the creation of hospitals in Jerusalem to treat and care for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land.
800- Charlemagne enlarges the hospitals, most notably adding libraries.
(Sometime between Charlemagne’s initial involvement in 800 and the following event is where I would place Julchen being “born.” Once the hospital became defined by its German-ness rather than it’s Christian-ness, hence Julchen being ethnically/linguistically German before Prussian was German. I would use 1190 (see below) as we first see her as the Teutonic Order and there’s no reason to think she was anything before that, however Word of God says Prussia is older than Austria who is one of the few characters with an official birth year of 976 so this is the best way I can reconcile canon and history)
1143- Pope Celestine II orders the Knights Hospitaller to take over management of the German hospital: St. Mary’s of Jerusalem
1187- Jerusalem is lost and abandoned by the Knights
1190- New hospital built and run in Arce it becomes the center of power, knights become more militaristic and start receiving Papal orders for crusading missions. This is the official foundation of the Teutonic Knights.
1211- Christians are forced out of the Middle East, the Order moves to Transylvania to help defend Hungary against the Turks. Andrew II of Hungary gave them Burzenland in return. (This is when Ore-sama Nikki 1 takes place)
1224- Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, after the Knights petitioned Pope Honorious III, decreed the Teutonic Order was under the direct jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire not the local governments (i.e. Hungary) This is the official foundation of the State of the Teutonic Order.
1225- Andrew II retaliates by expelling the Teutonic Order out of Burzenland.
1226- Poland requests the help of the Knights to defend themselves against the Old Prussians, Emperor Frederick II issued a Papal Bill bestowing “imperial privilege” for the possession of Prussia by the Order. It takes 50 years of bloodshed and uprisings for Prussia to completely fall under the Order’s control.
1242- The Teutonic Knights invade the Republic of Novgorod but are defeated at Lake Peipus
1410- The Battle of Grunwald
April 10th 1525- The Order is completely ousted from Prussia after their leader Albert converts to Lutheranism and pays homage to Poland. The Order’s remaining territory becomes secularized and Prussia becomes a Protestant fief of Catholic Poland. This is the official foundation of the Duchy of Prussia. The Knights that refused to convert left Prussia and would ultimately end up headquartering in Vienna, Austria where they still are today.
October 30th 1594- Albert Frederick’s daughter Anna (of Prussia) marries John Sigismund (of Hohenzollern-Brandenburg)
1618- Albert Frederick dies without heirs and the Electors of Brandenburg inherit the Duchy of Prussia. (As far as Julchen is concerned because the marriage itself in 1594 didn’t join the two this was very much not a marriage between her and Brandenburg. Everyone in Eastern Europe and the former Holy Roman Empire know otherwise ;) )
July 29th 1657- Treaty of Wehlau, Prussia regains full sovereignty from Poland.
November 16th 1700- Frederick III of Brandenburg gets permission from the Holy Roman Empire to be crowned “King in Prussia”
January 18th 1701- Frederick III of Brandenburg is officially crowned Frederick I of Prussia in Königsberg castle. (This is Julchen’s birthday)
May 31st 1740- Frederick II (Old Fritz) becomes King in Prussia.
1740-1748- The War of Austrian Succession
1772- The First Partition of Poland, Frederick II becomes King of Prussia.
August 17th 1786- Frederick II dies.
1801-1815- Napoleonic Wars
1806- The Holy Roman Empire is dissolved. Monarchs of Prussia from this point forward no longer hold the title of Elector of Brandenburg.
1806-1807- France occupies Prussia, forcing Frederick William III to temporarily flee the capital
1815- Congress of Vienna and the formation of the German Confederation (This is when baby Germany is born/reborn/found whatever, damn near all of Prussia is included in the German Confederation save a tiny portion in the east)
1848- Revolution of 1848
1850- Frederick William IV creates Prussia’s first constitution
September 23rd 1862- Otto von Bismarck is appointed Prime Minister of Prussia
1860- Austro-Prussian War
1870- Franco-Prussian War
January 18th 1871- The German Empire is proclaimed and the German Question is settled in favor of Kleindeutchland
1914-1918- World War I
1918- German Revolution ousting Kaiser William II
1920- The Free State of Prussia gets a democratic constitution
July 20th 1932- Prussian Coup
1939-1945- World War II
February 25th 1947- Prussia is dissolved
October 7th 1949- German Democratic Republic established
1953- Uprising of 1953 in East Germany
August 12th 1961- Construction of the Berlin Wall begins
November 9th 1989- Sections of the Berlin Wall collapse
October 3rd 1990- East and West Germany reunify into the Federal Republic of Germany
November 22nd 2005- Angela Merkel assumes office as Chancellor of Germany as both the first Chancellor from the government of the former East Germany since reunification and the first Female Chancellor
Since I know this is a point of contention in the fandom I'll say right here for everyone to see why East Germany is included. Though I always believed this was the case, as of
this update Prussia is confirmed to be the New States of Germany/Former East Germany what ever you wish to call it. Since it is canon canon and not just an incredibly popular headcanon, my muse at least will react quite violently to the insinuation she did/should have died in 1947 or in 1990 as well as the insinuation that she's not a country. As far as I'm concerned Prussia as the Eastern states of Germany is no different than Romano as the Southern half of Italy.
That out of the way, I'll just end this by saying that while this post is open for discussions/questions/what have you, I would love to geek about history with all of you especially my frequent anon visitors, please direct anything here to me the mun and not to Julchen. She has a rose-colored glasses view of herself you see and it defeats the purpose of having a historically accurate post to have her just lie all over the place. Though you can always ask me her opinions on certain events ;)