[Drabble] Prompt Requests 053-056

Sep 07, 2015 00:39

Pairing: Kai/Chen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 700
Prompt: Can I please have more hybrid stories with Kitty Chen and Puppy Jongin!!??
Warning: smut, self-lubrication, knotting
Author's Note: Continuation of this and this.

Ever since Jongdae saved Jongin from being adopted by that dumb human, he's noticed some changes in the puppy hybrid. He seems less interested in playing with the other hybrids, not that Jongdae is complaining because it leaves more time for the two of the to spend together. He's also more clingy when they snuggle up on pet bed for their daily naps.

Jongin even gets angry when Jongdae spends too much time annoying Baekhyun or Joonmyun. Almost as if he's jealous. And he always makes a point of putting himself in between Jongdae and the other hybrids, especially other dog hybrids like Chanyeol.

And what's even more surprising is when Jongdae wakes up one morning with his heat impending, and Jongin is right there with him.

"Jongin?" Jongdae murmurs, squirming slightly in the puppy's arms. He feels warm, too warm, the beginnings of arousal stirring in his belly.

"I've got you," Jongin replies, holding Jongdae closer. His nose presses against the back of Jongdae's neck and he shivers despite the heat.

Jongdae whines, and he can't help pressing his ass back against Jongin's crotch. "You can't be here right now," he says, even though he's got Jongin right where he wants him. "My heat--"

"I know," Jongin interrupts, his breath hot against Jongdae's neck. "I can smell your arousal."

Jongdae flushes with embarrassment. Usually he doesn't care about anything, he can be pretty shameless, but this is Jongin, the person who means more to him than anything else in the world. He doesn't want Jongin to see him like this, stripped of everything but his basic instincts to mate.

"Will you let me help you with your heat this time?" Jongin asks and Jongdae's brain goes blank at the possibility of what the puppy is offering. "If you want."

Jongin rolls his hips and that's when Jongdae notices the hardness pressing against him. Jongdae whimpers, because, fuck, how many times has be wished that Jongin felt the same way about him. And he now he's here, holding Jongdae close, whispering, "Let me take care of you," into his ear.

"Yes," Jongdae replies, breathless. "Yes, Jongin, please."

Jongin pulls off their clothes, one piece at a time, moving Jongdae onto his stomach when their both naked. He stretches Jongdae thoroughly, fingers pressing deep until the kitty can't take it anymore, crying out for Jongin to take him, begging for his knot.

When Jongin enters him, he starts out slow, building up a steady rhythm. Jongdae's moans only get louder with each thrust, desperately fucking himself back on Jongin's cock.

Jongdae's face presses into his pillow as he purrs happily. Jongin's body like is a blanket, covering his back as he drives into him, growing knot preventing him from pulling out too much. Jongin's hand finds Jongdae's, lacing their fingers together in an act that strangely seems more intimate than their mating. It makes Jongdae's heart do weird things in his chest and he squeezes Jongin's fingers tightly right before he's coming. The tension drains from his body with each wave of pleasure that washes over him until he has nothing left to spill.

Jongin continues to rut against him, taking all Jongdae that has to give and more, only stopping when he reaches his own peak. He groans loudly over the sound of Jongdae purring, as he releases deep inside Jongdae, pulse after hot pulse of his semen filling the kitty up.

It takes a while for Jongin's breathing to even out, resting his forehead at the base of Jongdae's neck. "I'll continue to take care of you whenever you go into heat," Jongin proclaims, as he runs his tongue along Jongdae's soft skin. He works his way up Jongdae's neck and he bites down gently on his ear. "All you have to do is ask."

Jongdae moans as Jongin moves them until they're both comfortable on the mattress, Jongin's knot preventing them from separating too much. Jongdae mewls contently, as Jongin's arms curl around him, keeping him as close as possible and pushes the knot inside him that much deeper. "What about when I'm not in heat?" Jongdae wonders.

"I'll take care of you then too," Jongin promises.

Pairing: Chanyeol/Chen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 638
Prompt: whispers you should try orgasm denial for your next chandae cause god you give their smut justice man
Warning: smut, edging/orgasm denial
Author's Note: This is more like edging and it's just a drabble, but I hope it's okay. >_<

Jongdae looks so beautiful when he’s spread out on their bed. Toes curled into the mattress, and thighs trembling as he desperately works his hips, trying to fuck himself harder on Chanyeol’s fingers. The sweat beading on his flushed skin only adds to the beauty. Even the way he bites at his bottom lip, begging Chanyeol to let him come is breathtaking.

“No,” Chanyeol replies, voice impossibly deep and husky. He pulls his fingers out just as Jongdae’s body begins to clench tighter around him, signalling the impending orgasm. It makes Jongdae whine again as he slumps down against the bed, more tears gathering at the corners of his eyes before they spill down his cheeks as he blinks up at Chanyeol. Absolutely beautiful.

Despite the complaining, Chanyeol knows that Jongdae can take more before he completely falls apart. He hasn’t needed to use the safe word yet, and besides, Chanyeol’s denying himself just as much as he is denying Jongdae. His own cock is hard, and he aches to bury himself deep in Jongdae’s tight ass, to thrust into him until he reaches his own peak. But he needs to be patient; he isn’t ready to let make Jongdae come yet.

Chanyeol teases Jongdae as they wait for him to come back down from the edge of coming. Feather light touches along his leaking dick, trails of kisses leading up Jongdae’s abs and gentle sucks on his nipples. Jongdae squirms through it, begging Chanyeol to finger him, to fuck him, to do something more than tease. Chanyeol ignores the cries, only easing three wet fingers back into Jongdae when he knows that it won’t make him come.

He repeats the process two more times, slowly building the pleasure inside Jongdae by massaging the pads of his fingers against his prostate and then taking them away just before he can come from it. Jongdae still stubbornly refuses to use his safe word, but it doesn’t matter because Chanyeol’s the one that can’t take it anymore.

Jongdae sighs in relief as Chanyeol moves closer, positioning himself above him. He pauses to tease Jongdae a moment longer, dragging the head of his dick around Jongdae’s rim before he thrusts into that inviting heat.

“Yes, yes,” Jongdae chants, wrapping himself around Chanyeol to bring him closer, force him deeper. Chanyeol steals his lips in a searing kiss as he pulls out again. This time he isn’t going to stop, he holds Jongdae’s hips down with bruising force, fucking into him as hard and fast as he can. He can already feel his own orgasm building and judging by the non-stop string of moans coming from Jongdae, he’s close to coming too.

Jongdae comes first. Jongdae always comes first, crying out as he digs his fingers into Chanyeol’s back and spills against their bellies. His entire body tenses up with the intense pleasure of his orgasm and Chanyeol continues to fuck him through it, chasing his own release. He doesn’t stop until he’s filled Jongdae with his semen and the stimulation is more than he can bear.

Jongdae slumps back against the bed and Chanyeol collapses on top of him after carefully pulling out. When he finally gathers enough energy to move, Chanyeol takes his time wiping Jongdae’s tears away, and leaves soft kisses in their wake. He thoroughly cleans them both up before pulling the sheets over them for some much needed cuddling.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Chanyeol asks as he holds Jongdae securely in his arms.

“I’ll have a few new bruises, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” is Jongdae’s sleepy, but honest reply. He snuggles closer, burying his face in the warmth of Chanyeol’s neck. “Quit worrying and go to sleep. I love you.”

Chanyeol tries to smile but he ends up yawning instead. “Love you too.”

Pairing: Sehun/Suho
Rating: G
Word Count: 313
Prompt: Seho fantasy au where Sehun the sorcerer traps Suho in a glass cage and keeps him in his study. Idk where this is coming from but enjoy ^_^
Warning: kidnapping

Joonmyun had been on his way back from the store when he first noticed the lights shimmering around him. He thought it was just fireflies at first, but they slowly got brighter, taking on different colours. Magic.

A summoning spell, to be more specific. He ran when he realized, abandoning the fruits and vegetables he purchased in favour of getting away.

But it was too late. He couldn't outrun the wind. It picked him up and he was surrounded by the light. When his feet touched the ground, it wasn't made out of earth, but tiles. His head was still spinning as he felt arms around his waist, supporting him.

"You belong to me now," a soft voice told Joonmyun before he passed out.

He was spread out on a few cushions on the floor when he woke up. Disoriented, he sat up, wondering where the hell he is, and if there was any chance of escaping.

"You're awake," a tall figure said. With a wave of the man's hand, a tray of food and a cup of water appeared in front of Joonmyun. "You must be hungry. Eat."

Joonmyun ignored the food, staring up at the man who took him instead. He looked young, but any sorcerer with that much magic had to be well over a hundred years old.

"What do you want with me?" Joonmyun asked.

He seemed displeased with Joonmyun's question. "Don't even think about trying to leave," the man said. "You won't be able to break the glass."

What glass? Joonmyun was about to ask, but it appeared after he blinked, a thick barrier between him and the sorcerer. It was a huge box surrounding him and Joonmyun cursed. There was no way out.

"You can't keep me in here forever," Joonmyun told him.

The sorcerer's expression turned a little sad at that. "Hopefully I won't have to."

Pairing: Chanyeol/D.O
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 700
Prompt: Is a Wolf AU all right? With happy energetic Chanyeol manhandling bottom!Kyungsoo please? ^^
Warning: smut, self-lubrication, knotting
Author's Note: It might seem a bit like dub-con at first, but I promise it isn't.

Chanyeol’s always had way too much energy. There was never a day when he wouldn’t get into trouble when he was a pup, always getting into things he shouldn’t or running too close to the edge of the pack’s territory. There was that one time he almost tripped and fell into their bonfire and he’s always knocking into things or bumping into wolves. His teenage years were the worst, when he hadn’t gotten used to his long limbs that he hadn’t quite grown into yet.

Now that he’s grown up, his energy is concentrated on different things. Like chasing his mate around the forest and pinning him to the ground when he finally catches up. He licks along the mark on Kyungsoo’s shoulder left by his teeth when they became mates and sucks a new mark into his neck, just below his jaw.

Kyungsoo groans, half-heartedly pushing him away, but Chanyeol ignores it. His cock is already hard and leaking, aching to be buried deep inside Kyungsoo, and judging by the pheromones his make is giving off, Kyungsoo is just as eager.

Except Kyungsoo is shy. He doesn’t know how to properly explain what he wants, and he gets frustrated and embarrassed easily. But luckily he has a mate who doesn’t know when to give up. Chanyeol can see past Kyungsoo’s weak attempts at getting away, because he can smell the arousal thick in the air. Kyungsoo won’t admit it, but he does love Chanyeol just as much, if not more, than Chanyeol loves him.

Chanyeol wrestles with him for a moment, struggling until he’s sure that Kyungsoo won’t try to slip away again. “Soo,” he whispers, coaxing his love to look at him. “Do you want me to fuck you?” He licks along Kyungsoo’s collarbone, leaving a couple teeth marks in the wake of his mouth.

He always asks. And Kyungsoo always gives him the same breathy answer. “Please.” Chanyeol grins wide as Kyungsoo’s face flushes a darker red. He should really be used to it by now, with how many times they’ve had sex since they became mates.

Chanyeol hums in delight as he spreads Kyungsoo’s thighs, pulling him closer with his large hands on Kyungsoo's narrow hips until his slick entrance is pressed against the head of Chanyeol’s cock. Kyungsoo’s so wet that pushing in is easy, and he’s moaning loudly by the time all of Chanyeol’s cock has disappeared inside him.

“More,” Kyungsoo moans, taking Chanyeol by surprise. He doesn’t usually talk much during sex, just complains about when Chanyeol says something too cheesy.

“Anything for you,” Chanyeol easily agrees as he begins to pull out. Kyungsoo groans when he pushes back in hard, hands scrambling for purchase on the forest floor.

Chanyeol’s claws dig into the Kyungsoo’s skin as he holds his mate’s hips down, rolling his hips up as he fucks into him. This is the part he likes about their love making the most, when he’s in total control of Kyungsoo, and he gives it to him over, and over again, until his mate can’t take anymore pleasure.

He knows Kyungsoo’s getting close as his ass starts to tighten around Chanyeol’s cock, his mate's hand reaching up between them to take his own cock into his hand. It’s hot watching Kyungsoo stroke himself, his moans getting louder as his back arches up off the earth. Kyungsoo comes, screaming Chanyeol’s name as Chanyeol’s knot becomes too big to pull out anymore. He watches Kyungsoo writhe in pleasure as he continues to rut into his ass, knot swelling to fill Kyungsoo's tightening body with his release.

Kyungsoo whines from over stimulation until Chanyeol slows to a stop. He leans in, gently kissing away the tears that had fallen down Kyungsoo’s cheeks. “Did I hurt you?” He asks, suddenly worried now that the heat of the moment has cooled.

Kyungsoo shakes his head. He reaches up, locking his arms around Chanyeol’s neck to keep him close.

Chanyeol chuckles. His precious mate is always so clingy when he’s stuffed full of Chanyeol’s knot.

“We should get back before night falls,” Chanyeol says, absently running his hand through Kyungsoo’s hair. “I want to be closer to camp when your heat starts. It should be coming soon.”

Kyungsoo nods, nuzzling his face into Chanyeol’s neck. A moment later he mumbles something that Chanyeol doesn’t quite catch.


Kyungsoo tights his grip around Chanyeol. He mumbles it again.

Chanyeol frowns. “I can’t hear you.”

“I said I love you!” Kyungsoo shouts. He buried his flushed face further into Chanyeol’s skin.

It’s the first time Kyungsoo has said that and Chanyeol’s heart suddenly feels so full that it’s ready to burst. “I love you too,” he replies, pressing his lips into his mate’s black hair and holds him close. “I love you too.”

p: sehun/suho, p: chen/kai, p: d.o/chanyeol, r: g, p: chanyeol/chen, #drabble, r: nc-17

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