[Drabble] Prompt Requests 041-044

Aug 21, 2014 00:17

Pairing: Chen/Suho
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 663
Warnings: smut, toys

“Hyung, are you sure about this?” Jongdae asks, nervously fiddling with the device in his hand.

Joonmyun, naked and flushed, is spread out on his back against their bed. His breath comes in short little pants, the result of Jongdae's fingers inside him a moment ago, twisting, teasing and stretching him open for what he's about to do next.

“Yes,” Joonmyun replies, his voice pleading. “Jongdae, please.”

Jongdae nods and Joonmyun squirms a bit in anticipation, carefully watching Jongdae's every move. “Alright,” Jongdae mumbles more to himself than to Joonmyun. “I can do this.” He prepares the pretty pink vibrator, slicking it with a generous amount of lube before pressing the tip to Joonmyun's ass. “Tell me if I'm this is okay.”

Joonmyun whines, angling his hips and pushing against the toy. It's not enough to penetrate him and he whines again, this time in frustration. “Please Jongdae, just do it. Please, please, please-” His words break off into a moan as Jongdae slowly eases the vibrator inside him. It's hard for Jongdae to tell where he's aiming, if he's pushing too hard or going to fast but Joonmyun's not complaining so he gently pumps it in and out of his boyfriend to start.

“Is it-”

“Turn it on,” Joonmyun interrupts, moving his hips in time with the rhythm of Jongdae's hand. Jongdae switches it on to the lowest setting first and the sound of the vibrator buzzing to life is almost completely downed out by Joonmyun's moans.

“Oh my god,” Joonmyun pants, breathless as the toy massages him from the inside. He claws at Jongdae's arms and pulls him up so Joonmyun can lick into his mouth. Jongdae, strangely pleased with how submissive yet demanding Joonmyun is being, and decides to take complete control for once.

He moves back to where he was before, in between Joonmyun's spread legs. He pins Joonmyun's hips to the mattress while the other has a firm grip on the vibrator. “Don't move,” Jongdae says as he flips the switch up a notch. Joonmyun moans, his eyes slipping closed as he tries and fails to take the toy deeper. He whines Jongdae's name as the vibrator is pulled out of him only to be thrust back in hard.

Jongdae is enjoying this as much as Joonmyun, his own cock hard, heavy and neglected between his legs. His pleasure will be taken care of later, right now is all about him pleasing Joonmyun, fucking him open with the vibrator. He knows he's found Joonmyun's prostate when he suddenly thrashes against the sheets and Joonmyun cries out when as his back arches off the mattress.

Jongdae turns the speed up anther couple of notches and he very much enjoys the string of moans and curses spilling from Joonmyun's lips. Now that he's got the angle all figured out, he picks up the pace of thrusting the toy in and out, occasionally stopping to abuse Joonmyun's prostate with the tip.

Joonmyun's writhing, moaning incoherent sentences after a few more minutes and Jongdae releases his hip, cupping Joonmyun's chin instead. Joonmyun opens his eyes at the gentle touch and Jongdae chooses that moment to press the vibrator into Joonmyun’s prostate. “Come for me, hyung,” Jongdae whispers.

Joonmyun does, the muscles in his abs contracting and his untouched cock twitching as his spills across his stomach. Jongdae turns the vibrator up to the highest setting, loving the way Joonmyun twitches and groans from over-stimulation. He turns off the toy after a moment, carefully easing it out of Joonmyun and sets it aside.

“Well?” Jongdae asks, climbing over Joonmyun’s body until their faces are inches apart. “How was it?”

Joonmyun takes a deep breath and sighs in contentment. “Fantastic,” he says, before he kisses Jongdae. When they break apart, Joonmyun sits up and picks up the toy, testing the weight of it in his hands. He smirks pushing Jongdae down onto the mattress, brandishing the vibrator like a knife. “It’s my turn now.”

Pairing: Kai/Suho
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 922
Prompt: sleighlay's birthday drabble.
Warnings: smut, slight bloodplay (because vampire)

It’s not entirely about the sex. Or maybe it is, Jongin isn’t entirely sure anymore. All he knows is that he wants Joonmyun.

The sun has fallen not too long ago and Jongin finds himself loitering outside Joonmyun’s apartment building, waiting for a text. From there he can easily see Joonmyun’s light on and he’s almost tempted to go up before he gets the okay.

Jongin isn’t impatient because he’s particularly hungry, no Joonmyun definitely keeps him well fed. And it’s not like they don’t see each other almost every day. Jongin is vaguely aware that he’s in too deep, that he likes Joonmyun too much, wants far more than Joonmyun can give.

Jongin’s phone vibrates in his pocket and he doesn’t even need to look at it to know it’s from Joonmyun. An invitation, a text allowing Jongin into his home. Before the device even stops vibrating, Jongin is on the 14th floor balcony, knocking on the glass. He only has to wait another moment before Joonmyun appears on the other side and opens the door to let him in.

“That was fast,” he teases, pulling Jongin into his living room by the collar of his shirt. Jongin hums in response, resting his hands on Joonmyun’s hips as he leans in to kiss him. “Hey.”

“I missed you,” Jongin admits, pressing his lips to the delicate skin of Joonmyun’s neck as he inhales deeply, breathing in the scent that is entirely Joonmyun. The main reason Jongin was attracted to Joonmyun in the first place. He’s so human, so very irresistible. Jongin feels dizzy with want, with lust.

“Are you hungry?” Joonmyun asks, pulling out of Jongin’s arms to lead the way back to his bedroom. Yes, Jongin is hungry, but not just for Joonmyun’s blood. His body, the sounds he makes, the expression on his pretty face when he comes. Jongin needs to have it all. He couldn’t stay away if he tried.

It takes less than a minute for Jongin to get them both naked, and have Joonmyun spread out on the bed waiting to be taken. Jongin climbs over him, mouthing his way up Joonmyun’s chest until he reaches his lips. “Tell me what you want,” Jongin breathes before kissing Joonmyun hard, his tongue slipping in between Joonmyun’s parted lips.

“You,” Joonmyun replies when Jongin stops kissing him long enough to let him speak. “I want you.” Joonmyun squirms beneath him, lifting his hips so Jongin can feel his arousal brush against his thigh. “I want you to fuck me.”

Jongin growls, kissing Joonmyun deeply before he pulls away to grab the lube. He feels Joonmyun’s eyes on him as he slicks up his fingers so he makes a show of it. The first finger has Joonmyun gasping and the second makes him push his hips back for more. Joonmyun tilts his hips at the stretch of the third entering him and Jongin only needs to keep his hand still as Joonmyun does all the work, panting and moaning as he rides Jongin’s fingers.

“Jongin,” Joonmyun pleads and Jongin decides that he’s held back long enough. A bit more lube to ready himself then he’s pushing inside, filling Joonmyun up. Jongin groans, spreading Joonmyun’s thighs a bit more until he’s completely encased in Joonmyun’s warmth.

Jongin starts out slow as always, pulling almost all of the way out before he eases back inside. He gets pretty little moans spilling from Joonmyun’s lips for his efforts and Joonmyun’s fingers in his hair urging him to go faster. Jongin’s mouth finds Joonmyun’s neck and he bites down, soft enough not to break the skin. He can hear Joonmyun’s heart pounding, feel the blood rushing beneath the surface of his flesh. Jongin’s mouth waters at the thought of Joonmyun’s sweet blood on his tongue but it’s not time to feed yet.

Jongin continues to lick and nip and suck at Joonmyun’s neck as he fucks him open. The faster Jongin goes, the louder, needier Joonmyun’s moans are. Finally Jongin bites him when he has wrecked Joonmyun enough that the only word he knows is a broken version of Jongin’s name. His teeth easily sink into Joonmyun’s skin, his blood flowing freely from the wound and into Jongin’s mouth. He greedily laps it all up, not even letting a single drop escape is tongue.

Jongin smirks with bloodstained lips as he feels Joonmyun’s legs begin to shake. Joonmyun whines, his nails digging into Jongin’s shoulders as he comes not a moment later. When Jongin’s belly is full he licks at Joonmyun’s neck to close the holes made by his sharp teeth and his hips finally come to a stop. He reaches his own end buried as deep in Joonmyun as he can, filling Joonmyun up with his come, marking him as Jongin’s.


Jongin stays inside him for as long as he can, until Joonmyun starts complaining about the drying come on his skin and how it itches. He reluctantly pulls out to wipe them both down and when Jongin’s done he crawls right back into bed with the half-asleep human.

“Stay,” Joonmyun mumbles, curling up into the protection that is Jongin’s arms.

“I will,” Jongin agrees, gently smoothing his fingers through Joonmyun’s hair. He kisses Joonmyun’s forehead, listening for the sound of his breathing to even out.

Jongin will stay and keep him safe until just before the sun rises and he’ll be gone by the time Joonmyun wakes up. But he’ll be back tomorrow night to do it all over again.

Pairing: Kai/Suho
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 919
Prompt: Suho seduces Kai with a pair of bunny ears~
Warnings: smut, bareback, toys

When Jongin first met Joonmyun, he would never have guessed that the man would be into some really kinky stuff in bed. Kim Joonmyun, a bit shy at first with new people, but really caring and a little embarrassing when you got to know him. Jongin can still remember the time Joonmyun nervously brought the subject up a few weeks into their relationship. He’d been so careful, so cautious, fishing around for Jongin’s likes and dislikes before revealing his own.

Jongin knows that Joonmyun likes to keep things interesting in the bedroom (or in the shower or on the couch or bent over the kitchen table, wherever Joonmyun feels like having sex at the time, really), but it still surprises him when he comes home to from work to find his boyfriend wearing a pair of bunny ears on his head. And nothing else.

“Jongin,” Joonmyun beckons and Jongin immediately forgets any thoughts he had about dinner or being exhausted from another long day at work. He drops everything and is in front of Joonmyun in record time, hands smoothing over Joonmyun’s hips as he pulls him in for a kiss. His fingers brush something round and soft as he cups Joonmyun’s ass and-

Oh. So Joonmyun isn’t just wearing the ears. He’s got a tail too.

Jongin’s head spins. “Is that a-”

“Yes,” Joonmyun confirms with a breathless moan as Jongin plays with his tail. Jongin pushes against it, forcing the butt plug deeper inside Joonmyun, making him whine and squirm in anticipation. “Don’t tease, Jongin. Please.”

They’ve played around with butt plugs before, but not like this. Joonmyun’s reaction to his prodding is hot as hell and Jongin’s dick throbs at each sound he makes, hardening quickly in his pants. Jongin hooks his hands under Joonmyun’s thighs and hoists him up off the ground. Joonmyun moans his name, wrapping his arms and legs around Jongin as he makes his way to their bedroom.

“Hurry,” Joonmyun says when Jongin sets him down on the bed. “Jongin.” He waits, somewhat impatiently, on his hands and knees, ass high in the air for Jongin to take as Jongin hastily pulls off his own clothes.

Jongin has his hands on Joonmyun’s ass as soon as the last article of clothing hits the floor. He marvels at the way Joonmyun hole stretches around the plug and how adorable, yet incredibly sexy the fluffy, little tail looks against his smooth, pale skin.

“Do you like it?” Joonmyun asks and even through the haze of lust Jongin can pick up the slight nervous tone in his voice as his hands slide up Joonmyun’s sides. Jongin hums in response, leaving kisses along Joonmyun’s spine as he gropes every inch of skin he can get his hands on.

“Yes,” Jongin says, when he reaches Joonmyun’s neck. He bites down on Joonmyun’s skin softly, sucking and lapping at the sensitive area with his tongue. “You look so hot like this, babe.”

Joonmyun whines, rocking his hips into the hand that Jongin slipped between his legs. “Then fuck me, Jongin,” he begs. “Please.” Jongin takes a minute to tease him, pulling the toy out a little bit before working it back inside. He would spend a little more time making Joonmyun fall apart under him, if it wasn’t for the desperate way that Joonmyun is begging for his cock. “I’m stretched already, come on, Jongin, just-”

Joonmyun’s breath hitches as Jongin finally pulls the plug out and sets it aside. The lube is already on the bed, probably from when Joonmyun worked himself open to fit the toy inside and Jongin’s cock twitches as he imagines Joonmyun spread out on their bed, three fingers disappearing in and out of him. Jongin grabs for the bottle, wasting no time at all in popping the lid and to slicking himself up. Truthfully he’s just as eager for it as Joonmyun is, almost aching to sink himself deep inside Joonmyun.

“Going to fuck you like the naughty little bunny you are,” Jongin says. It’s nothing short of heaven when Jongin enters Joonmyun’s pliant body and he starts a fast and hard pace right away because they both need it now. Jongin’s hands on Joonmyun’s hips help guide him each time he grinds his ass back, trying to fuck himself on Jongin’s cock.

Joonmyun whines in frustration when Jongin actually stops, but he only pauses because he has literally fucked the ears off of Joonmyun’s head and he reaches over to put the band back on before he continues.

Jongin makes Joonmyun come first with a hand pulling at his cock at the same time he pushes against his prostate. With Joonmyun moaning and clenching beneath him, Jongin doesn’t stand much of a change holding out much longer. He groans a moment later when he fills Joonmyun up with his come.

Still inside, Jongin almost flattens Joonmyun as he collapses, energy spent and the rush of his orgasm fades. Joonmyun doesn’t mind though, he just squirms enough until he can tilt his head back to meet Jongin in a slow, sweet kiss. Jongin adjusts the bunny ears so they’re no longer in danger of falling off again.

“Well?” Joonmyun asks as their lips part.

“We are definitely doing that again,” Jongin declares, resting his forehead against Joonmyun’s temple.

Joonmyun hums happily in response. “I’ll order us the kitten set in the morning then.”

Jongin’s cock twitches inside Joonmyun at the thought of his boyfriend as his little sex kitten. “Fuck.”

Pairing: Luhan/Xiumin
Rating: G
Word Count: 526
Prompt: My XiuHan feels have been on the rage lately, and your writing is too lovely. ;-; Could I request XiuHan where Minseok is the barista who just wants to do his job and Luhan's the clingy and infatuated, annoyingly determined turd who just /won't give up?/ Fluffy/comedy, but it's up to you~

“Minseok, the tables need to be wiped down again,” Joonmyun says looking over the checklist of hourly chores for the little coffee shop. “Would you mind?”

Minseok nods and glances over at the seating area of the shop as Joonmyun assigns chores to the rest of the baristas on duty. Nope, Minseok would rather not go out there right now. “Hey, Sehun,” Minseok says as he catches his co-worker by the arm. “Trade chores with me?”

“No way,” Sehun says way too loudly. “I hate going out there. Hyung told you to do it.”
Joonmyun looks up from the papers in his hands as Minseok sighs. “Something wrong?” he asks, but all it takes is one look at the customers sitting at the tables for him to understand. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I’ll go and you can take over at the cash register so Jongin can take his break.”

“No, I’ve got it,” Minseok says, grabbing a new cleaning cloth and the spay bottle of disinfectant from cupboard under the espresso machines. If he avoids going out there now, he will just complain about it tomorrow. Minseok starts at the table closest to the cash register and works his way to the other end of the shop as he’s cleaning the tables.

“Can you please wipe down my table too?” A customer asks when Minseok’s busy with the table next to him. Minseok doesn’t need to look to know that Luhan is making bedroom eyes at him again. “It’s sticky.”

“Of course,” Minseok says in his best trying-not-to-be-rude-while-talking-to-customers voice. Though with Luhan, he needs to be a little rude sometimes or the customer will never leave him alone. He’s expecting a dirty joke from Luhan as well, to tell him exactly how the table became sticky in the first place.

“Can I get your number too, please?” Luhan ask as he lifts his extra hot triple grande soy vanilla latte (which he always has Minseok make because it tastes better when Minseok makes it) off the table so Minseok can wipe it down.

“No.” The table isn’t even dirty but Minseok cleans it anyway. “It was the same thing I said yesterday and it’ll still be my answer when you ask me again tomorrow. And the day after that.”

Luhan just smiles and takes a sip of the stupidly complicated drink that Minseok could make in his sleep. “You’ll say yes eventually,” he says, his eyes casually glancing up and down Minseok’s body. Minseok wants to smack Luhan upside the head and tell him that he’s not a piece of meat to be ogled like that. But he’ll never be able to get away with assaulting a customer, so he sucks it up instead.

“No, I won’t,” Minseok says as he moves on to the next table. No matter how attractive Luhan is, he’s annoying as fuck and there is no way in hell Minseok will ever go out with him. (But Luhan is pretty damn attractive, so...)

Luhan’s smile morphs into a smirk. “Maybe not tomorrow,” he says. “But one day.”

Minseok can’t help but agree.

r: g, p: chen/suho, #drabble, p: luhan/xiumin, p: kai/suho, r: nc-17

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