[Drabble] Prompt Requests 037-040

Jul 25, 2014 17:41

Pairing: Suho/Chen
Rating: R
Word Count: 506
Prompt: Ninja!Suho because of this.
Warnings: mentioned (non-Exo) character death, mentions of killing, angst, mentions of slavery

The mask covering the bottom half of his enemy’s face falls the moment Joonmyun raises his katana to strike. He lowers his sword and averts his eyes but doesn’t let his guard down. A simple mistake could cost Joonmyun his life instead. “There will be no more blood shed today,” Joonmyun decides. It’s not like he didn’t just take out every other member of his rival clan, letting one ninja keep his life is a show of mercy.

He feels around in his captive’s garb looking for weapons and he tucks the knives he finds into his own clothes for safekeeping. “You’re going to regret not killing me with the rest of them,” the man tells Joonmyun as he binds his hands tightly together.

Joonmyun already regrets letting him live. It’s not mercy, but weakness. Joonmyun can’t bring himself to take the life of the ninja after seeing his pretty face. His action set a bad example for the rest of his clan.

A spare piece of cloth is tied around the ninja’s eyes and Chanyeol lifts him onto a horse for the ride back to Joonmyun’s home. He’s tempted just to strap his enemy to the saddle but he climbs onto the back of the horse with him instead. Joonmyun comes up with many reasons as to why he’s so concerned about his prisoner’s well being (so his enemy doesn’t fall off the horse, he can’t work if he’s injured), but they’re all just pitiful excuses.

“What’s your name?” He asks after a few minutes of tense riding. Joonmyun’s are on either side of his enemy’s waist so he can hold on to the reins and guide the horse. It’s almost too intimate the way their bodies are pressed together on the horse, but he’s warm against Joonmyun and riding is better than walking.

“I asked you a question,” Joonmyun says, nudging him in the ribs with his elbow when he doesn’t get a response. He can’t see the ninja’s face anymore, this time it would be so easy to slit his throat and Joonmyun wouldn’t have to watch the life fade from his eyes. He could push him off the horse and leave his body to rot by the side of the road.

“Why did you attack my clan?” The man asks instead.

“Revenge,” Joonmyun says. “Your clan killed my parents, my brother. Don’t think for a second that just because I let you live now that I won’t change my mind later.”

“Your clan just killed my family,” the ninja replies with a sort of humourless laugh. “I guess that makes us even.”

The only difference between their clans is that Joonmyun’s slaughtered all but one.

They don’t speak again until they reach Joonmyun’s home. He dismounts and helps his prisoner down as well, removing the blindfold that’s no longer needed. He blinks a few times before raising his eyes to Joonmyun’s, and expression of defeat across his face. “Jongdae,” he says so quietly that Joonmyun almost misses it. “My name is Jongdae.”

Pairing: D.O/Kai, Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: G
Word Count: 564
Prompt: kaisoo kitty!au is soooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /cries. pls write more hikhik [Continuation of this drabble.]
Warnings: angst

Kyungsoo knew that Jongin was going to be expensive, but nothing could have prepared him for the shock he suffered after the sales associate quoted him a price. Still, the employee had smiled politely, probably well aware of the fact there's no way in hell that Kyungsoo can afford to make such a purchase. He bows, offering to give Kyungsoo some time alone with Jongin to think about it, and wanders over to where a man is admiring the rainbow-haired fish hybrid.

Maybe if Kyungsoo spent a couple of years saving, then he might eventually have enough to spend on a pet. But what are the chances that Jongin will still be here when that time comes? Jongin is too pretty, it’s very likely that he’ll be bought long before Kyungsoo can come up with the money.

Still, Kyungsoo really likes the kitty and even if he's never had any intentions of getting a pet before he definitely wants to take him home now. Jongin doesn't talk much but he nods, smiling slightly when Kyungsoo asks if it's okay to pet him. He even slumps his shoulders and lowers his head so it's easier for Kyungsoo to reach behind his ears. There's a faint rumbling sound coming from Jongin as he leans further into Kyungsoo's touch and it takes him a moment to realize that the kitty is purring.

Jongin smiles down at him, looking so happy that it breaks Kyungsoo's heart. He'd do anything to see that pretty face smiling at him everyday. He tries not to think about what it would be like to wake up next to Jongin or how they'd spend lazy evenings together, cuddled up on the small couch, Jongin napping against Kyungsoo as he watches whatever happens to be on TV.

Kyungsoo is whipped back to reality at the sound of Chanyeol calling his name. He jumps and immediately pulls his hands back to himself, startled by Chanyeol's appearance and the dog hybrid trailing along behind him. Kyungsoo eyes the black leather collar that he’s pretty sure Baekhyun wasn’t wearing before and the other end of the matching leash clutched tightly in Chanyeol’s hand.

“I did it,” Chanyeol says too loudly, stupidly wide smile taking up half of his face as he slings around Baekhyun’s shoulders and pulls him closer. “I finally found the right dog.”

“That’s great,” Kyungsoo says without any real feeling. He’d be more sincere in his congratulations if he was able to bring home a hybrid too. Chanyeol doesn’t seem to notice Kyungsoo’s lack of enthusiasm, he’s too busy admiring his new pet.

Jongin is looking over at them too, his eyes narrowed in Chanyeol’s direction. “You’re leaving then, Baek?” He asks, sadness in his tone. Looks like Kyungsoo is not the only one jealous of Chanyeol’s new purchase.

“Yup,” Baekhyun replies. He wiggles out from under Chanyeol’s arm to reach over so he can scratch at Jongin’s ears just like Kyungsoo had a minute ago. Jongin gives a brief smile, the corners of his lips barely turning up before falling down again.

“Are you guys ready to go?” Chanyeol asks. Baekhyun ruffles Jongin’s hair one last time before he nod and obediently returns to Chanyeol’s side.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Kyungsoo says, pointedly not looking at Jongin. He can’t stand to see the look on the kitty’s face when he has to walk away.

Pairing: Suho/Chen
Rating: R
Word Count: 451
Prompt: Continuation of this drabble.
Warnings: mentioned (non-Exo) character death, mentions of killing, angst, slavery

Jongdae wasn't stupid. He knew that his clan hadn't consisted of the strongest ninjas in the country but he just didn't expect them to be wiped out in a single night. Out of all the members of his clan, Jongdae certainly hadn't expected to be the only one left alive either. He realizes his clan's mistake now.

Survivors means there is someone to take revenge. Jongdae hasn’t been left with much, but if he plays his cards right he'll be able to slit a few throats when he makes a break for it. If he successfully escapes, he'll dedicate his life to picking off every ninja from the clan that slaughtered his family and took him as a prisoner.

If only he could get his hand on some sort of weapon. He's already been warned that he'll be killed instantly if he tries anything, but with nothing left to lose, Jongdae isn’t going to let that stop him. But it's proving to be difficult. Jongdae's hands are always kept bound together, no matter the task they have him perform and a ninja is always nearby too, to keep a close eye on him. At night he is completely tied up and put in a cage to prevent him from escaping. Joonmyun's orders.

Why Joonmyun wants to keep such a deadly slave is beyond him. It would be so much easier for a clan of assassins to kidnap people who don't know how to fight back and use them as to do their bidding instead. People they could intimidate, people who would fear them.

But here Jongdae is, forced into taking care of the man who is responsible for the murder of his clan. It's both mentally and physically exhausting. Everyday Jongdae brings Joonmyun his meals, washes his clothing, keeps his hut neat and tidy. And every night Joonmyun leaves him tied up on the cold, hard ground. It's not like Jongdae would be able to sleep anyway, because the moment he lets his guard down, he's plagued by the memories of his clan being butchered alive.

After months of this cruel and unusual torture, Jongdae finally collapses from exhaustion. He wakes up some time later, not sure if he's actually woken up or if he has died and been sent to the afterlife. Wherever he is, it's soft and warm. Comfortable. His hands rest at his sides, no longer tied up.

If he’s dead, Jongdae will get to be with his family again. But if he’s still alive it means that he still has a chance to get his revenge on Joonmyun and the rest of the enemy clan. It’s that thought that has Jongdae drifting back into a dreamless sleep.

Pairing: Chanyeol/Lay
Rating: R
Word Count: 238
Prompt: ones an angel and the others a demon :3

The first thing that Chanyeol notices about Yixing is that he is really pretty. Almost too pretty. But then again, most angels are. He dresses like the rest of them too, all white, form-hugging clothes. It’s a simple outfit, but it suits him more than the others.

And just like he suspected, they don’t get off to a good start when they meet. Yixing’s an angel and Chanyeol… well, he’s not. In fact, he’s a demon and they’re obviously not expected to get along, quite the opposite really. It certainly doesn’t help that they’re on opposing sides of a war that’s been raging between good and evil since the beginning of time.

It doesn’t stop Chanyeol obsessing over Yixing though. He is a demon; it’s kind of in his DNA to break all the rules. Yixing is too pretty, too clean and Chanyeol wants to mess him up. He wants to see Yixing beaten and bloodied and he wants to be the one to do it. But even more than that, he wants to know what Yixing looks like when he’s flushed with forbidden pleasure, moaning and crying out for more. Chanyeol wants to find all of the angel’s weaknesses and use them against him, have Yixing on his knees, begging with the need to come.

Chanyeol wants to know what it’d be like to fuck an angel. And he’s not going to stop until he finds out.

r: g, r: r, p: chen/suho, #drabble, p: d.o/kai, p: chanyeol/lay, p: baekhyun/chanyeol

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