new icons lol these are..... like 4 years old? XD oh well i don't use this nearly as much as I used to.
CRAZYness is going on. So in the apartments I live in a disabled teenager, who can't speak, hear, see and is in a wheelchair was stabbed in his bedroom. The mom blamed another teenager in the neighborhood. And the next day it turned out the MOM DID IT. WHAT THE FUCK?!
It's not funny but we were all relieved it wasn't that teenage boy lol I mean we see him all the time walking around the neighborhood and he acts strange.... Actually until now, I thought he was homeless because he's always outside walking around and digging in garbage cans.... The news said he's caused trouble here before, burying things he found and something about dead animals... WTF? Should I still be worried? No wonder that lady used him as the scapegoat.
Crazy. Anyways. College is starting back up so work is really busy. And I bought new glasses! Nerdtastic.