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jsfunction May 18 2014, 22:00:33 UTC
So wonderful to see a new icon post by you!! \o/ and everything is so colorful and gorgeous!
Those OB icons are particularly stunning, with my favorites being 2 (the brightness and contrast and icy cyans = perfection), 5 (the red grunge + the text arrangement are stellar, really love the tilted text orientation and the overlaying of words there), 9 (lovely magentas and text stuff in this one too), 10&15 (so much love for the vibrant clear colors in these! cyan+yellow+pink is the perfect combination imo and you use those colors so well).

I also love the coloring and the really subtle halftoney texture use on 17, the spectacular lighting on 19, the texture use/composition on 20, and all the versions of 23-25 are superb, love the compositions and the text use and the faded vintage bw look. The last row is 100% perfection as well, especially the colors on 30&31 and the color blocking on 31, and the monochrome + grunge on 29 look amazing as well.

Awesome post in every way, even without OUAT ;) (speaking of which, have you watched s3b already? I just finished yesterday and I feel like making some ouat icons soon, I was thinking of claiming it for 20insp but not sure yet.)


nightbulbs May 18 2014, 23:05:12 UTC
Aw, thank you for another awesome comment!! I'm so happy you like so many of these. YES re pink/yellow/cyan, it has to be my favourite thing, it always looks so fresh!

(Haha, I'm likely to go crazy on the OUAT icons soon so I wanted to post these before, my watchers must be so tired of seeing me icon the same show over and over again :D I have three eps left of 3B to watch, I successfully managed to refrain from watching the whole half-season in one go. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would tbh, it sort of brought my happy S1 feels back. Omg yess please do claim it and/or make icons of it! ♥ Idk what the claim rules for 20insp will be but I'm likely to either claim 3B or one of the characters.)


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