38 - icons #18: "Give my soul, give my soul, sing it free across the sea"

Jul 16, 2012 23:53

Icon dump - 75 icons
{36} Downton Abbey (made for inspired20in20 and downton_stills), {3} Misfits, {3} Silk, {6} Doctor Who, {6} Being Human, {15} Robin Hood BBC, {3} Spooks, {1} Merlin



These were made for inspired20in20 round 12. The theme was about icon styles that were en vogue during the year. I'm not happy with what I came up with, the theme was great but I had zero inspiration. When I sign up for something I sort of feel compelled to enter though, so here they are. Hope they're not too disappointing. The Robin Hood ones were also a big struggle but overall I'm rather happy with what I've got given the extremely grainy caps. It's a hard show to icon! I probably won't post for a while, I'm leaving in a few days and I'll be away from home and without my laptop for two weeks. Hopefully my muse will come out of her hiding place when I come back :)

Downton Abbey for inspired20in20





Operation 'Let's Empty The Icon Folder' (some of these are getting old :/)

Downton Abbey (made for downton_stills - challenges: colourful, negative space, green)



Downton Abbey, Misfits, Silk

Silk, The Hour, Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Being Human

Being Human, Robin Hood BBC 

Robin Hood BBC


Robin Hood BBC, Spooks, Merlin


~ Feedback and concrit are most welcome!
~ Credit 
~ Please don't hotlink.
~ Feel free to watch the comm to keep up with updates :)

tv: downton abbey, tv: merlin, tv: robin hood bbc, tv: misfits, tv: being human, type: icons, tvpe: graphics (all), tv: the hour, tv: silk

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