At work

Jan 09, 2007 14:23

So i am here at work, i just got in and well this is my second entry in 24 minutes lol! I am here until 10 tonight and then i have to go straight to hockey for practice that starts at 10:45 and after practice we are all going out cause its Maggies birthday! Its going to be a long night, it would have been an even longer day because i was suppose to play hockey before work today but they called and said i wasnt needed, which was happy news to me since i have to play a lot of hockey this week.  This weekend i have 6 hockey games, 2 friday night, 2 saturday and 2 sunday! Crazy i know, but Holland College picked me up to be a goalie for them in some tournment so thats pretty cool! Its funny cause i dont go to holland college and this is some college tournment with other colleges coming to play. But its cool, even tho we will loose all the games it well be fun! I like lots and lots of hockey!
And the games are all early so it wont interferr with going out plans fro the weekend which also rocks...i want this to be the best weekend of the year!!


I now have 7 games this weekend! My Ice Katz team has a game friday night now, i was pissed first because i found out the other goalie was playing in and it was my turn so it ment she ws going to be playing 2 out of the 3 games for my regular team. Which again upset me due to the fact i missed so many league games this year that my states are lower and i want to make up the games. But i found out from the coach that he wants me to play both games sunday because they are agaist a strong team! So lots and lots of hockey. But friday night i have games 6:15, 7:30 and 8....i can stay in town and play one of the first games but miss my regualar teams game which i wouldnt be playing or i would miss both games early games to go watch my team play...i dont really know what to do

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